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gallipoli and troy

September 22, 2015
This site was significant in World War I. The battle that happened here between the Allied forces and the Ottomans lasted for many months and resulted in a stalemate but had an enormous amount of casualties. Like 250,000 on each side. We sat here and read stories both of soldiers and nurses in this battle. It sounded brutal. We then sang I'm a Child of God. Oh how we must always remember this sinple truth. The moms of these soldiers sent care packages with "biscuits" in them, otherwise known as oatmeal cookies. Sister Whitchurch made us some and they were delicious. We then walked down the shore to the cemetery. There were so many different colored rocks!
Thankfully I think my fear of cemeteries is getting better. Not like we spend a lot of time at them but enough to where I would be creeped out and I haven't been so that's good! I mean, they still aren't my favorite place in the world, but I can tolerate them now. These men were so young! Like our age. It's sad to think about how their lives were taken away.

Next we went to Troy.  Yes, as in the Trojan war and the Trojan horse and the movie and the Illiad and Odyssey. It was, well, just a bunch of rocks as per ushal. but guess what. We're actually getting pretty good at this thing. Like we actually understand how all this stuff works so it was pretty awesome! Below are the remains of one of the city walls!

These are the different levels of the different cities. I believe there are six.

Look at us and our cute matching shirts! Everyone was SUPER jealous!

Here we learned about writers. Why do people write?? Is it to teach a lesson? Is it to help people connect? Is it to express their own thoughts and feelings? Is it to tell a story? Dr. Allred then tied this in to the scriptures. He did a little foreshadowing about David and his story. He talked about the importance of looking at the language and really see what they are trying to tell us. He also spoke to us about the story of Lydia in Acts 16. It's interesting to note that it seens to be a pattern that women are ofteb the gateway to the church spreading in different areas in the scriptures. Go find more examples on your own!

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