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His story

April 29, 2018
We have been attending an institute class the last few months at BYU with Bryan’s parents and we have loved it! I strongly believe in having spiritual meeting throughout the week to boost us and keep us motivated! There are many different teaching styles, even among gospel teachers and even if one doesn’t particularly appeal to us, I still think that there are gems to be found in any teacher’s class. This was one of those gems.

Oftentimes, I feel like we get caught up in our lives and the things that happen to us and what we may or may not be doing that we forget to give credit to whom the credit is due. How often do we say things like, “Look at this great job I got!” Or “I built this all on my own!” Or “This happened because I worked so hard!”

That’s not to say that we don’t have to put forth effort, but instead of telling stories all about what we have done or having a bad attitude about how things didn’t turn out the way we wanted them to, we can change that to seeing God’s hand in our life and recognize how He blessed us. We can make it his story.

This isn’t a perfect example because there was some agency involved but I hope it illustrates the point. Last summer, I was so over Provo. I needed a fresh start and so I had decided to move up to Salt Lake. I found the cutest house to live in hat was in the ward I wanted to be in, I interviewed all over the valley and got a job teaching second grade. I paid the deposit for the house, I told my principal that I wouldn’t be coming back and everything seemed to be working out just great!

I then decided to invite a friend to hang out one last time before I left. Pretty soon I found myself in a predicament because this friend that I had secretly been in love with for six years decided that now would be a good time to tell me he finally wanted to date me. What?!! I was on an independent kick and told myself that there was NO WAY I would let a boy convince me to stay in Provo. I didn’t quite trust him because we had played this back and forth game a lot. I also couldn’t give up this job that I was just offered, and I wasn’t going to lose $400!

I was distraught and didn’t know what the right thing to do was. I felt a lot of different emotions because I wanted to leave Provo so bad! I wanted a new adventure! I wanted to teach second grade. I needed new people in my life. But I also was really interested to see what would happen with this boy. He was also pretty convincing but also said “it’s up to you.” I was so conflicted!

I talked it out with lots of people and also prayed about it a lot. I ended up staying but was mad about losing the $400 deposit (I think I even told the boy you better be worth $400 😬) and called the principal and told her I wouldn’t be joining their faculty. It was hard and stressful especially because the decision has to be made on such a short timeline.

So far this whole thing sounds a little negative and woe is me and focused on worldly things that don’t so much matter in the long run.

Here’s how I can make it HIS story.

Staying in Provo turned out to be the best decision I ever made. Turns out that boy was being serious about dating me and I can’t imagine how much more difficult that would have been long distance. I also got to stay at my school which I absolutely loved and I didn’t have to move my classroom quite as far. Ultimately, this decision turned into marrying my best friend! I was a little scared and it took me a while to fully trust him but I can’t imagine my life without him!

I learned that Heavenly Father really does look out for us. He helps lead and guide us to the right thing. I’m sure it still could’ve worked out if I was up in salt lake but it wouldn’t have been as convenient and it might have taken longer. My brothers also moved to Provo during this time and I got to hang out with them which was also super beneficial. I don’t think that anything bad would’ve happened if I moved but I honestly don’t know where my life would’ve been turned to and I know that Heavenly Father knew this was best and despite the minor inconveniences of having to shift everything so quickly this would ultimately be the best decision for me and my future.

Magically, everything worked out just the way it should and it had nothing to do with what I wanted or what I tried to do but everything to do with what He knew and how He made it all come together. As I was making such a tough diversion he inspired me and gave me comfort along the way and I am so grateful that I didn’t end up going to Salt Lake! In fact, I’m still in Provo and it’s actually ok 👌

I hope that we can all twist the story to highlight our Heavenly Father who is the creator of all good things in our lives, who looks out for us daily, and leads us to the things that are best for us.

When we tell stories, let’s make it about Him. His love, His mercy, His guidance, His peace, His gospel. He is the source of all happiness and should be given the credit because through the stories he weaves in our lives, others can be brought into Him.

book review: i am malala

April 10, 2018

If you don’t already know the story of Malala, you MUST look it up!

She is amazing! I knew a little of her story, but absolutely loved reading the whole thing! I also read the children's story when I was babysitting and loved that as well! Especially the illustrations. You can find it here.

Since I am a teacher, a lot of her words deeply touched me. I even shared her story with my students because I was constantly in awe at how much she valued education insomuch that she would have given her life for it. Because she lived, she now has more power to make a difference in the lives of others and to provide them with education. We take so much for granted here in America where we have endless materials, books, desks, and teachers whereas in many places around the world only boys can go to school or they have to walk such far distances or don't have the proper materials to learn.

I hope that we can all have an attitude like Malala where we cherish the opportunities that are given to us and are grateful even for homework because it is a sign that we are gaining an education. When her family was taken from their home, she couldn't even imagine a world where she couldn't take her books.

She did an interview on The Ellen Show that I loved here

In the interview, Malala talks about how going to school really allows you to learn about yourself and opens your eyes to what talents you have, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can then go on to bless your community.

I wholeheartedly believe in this! Brigham Young University's motto is:

I feel so grateful to have gone to a school that embodies this as well! The things we learn really do influence who we become and the influence we have on the world. We can be such a force for good if we remember what we have learned and share that with anyone that crosses our path.

Our discussion during book club revolved a lot around education in all forms. As a room full of GIRLS that are all college graduates, the life that Malala lives seems  so far distant from anything we have ever experienced, but we talked about how there are those who earn a college degree to get a piece of paper and don't do a lot of learning and there are those that earn a college degree and come away with an education.

However, education can take on many different forms. It is not just sitting in a lecture hall taking notes about economics or writing papers about personal philosophies of psychology.

Education can be
-reading good books
-traveling and seeing different cultures
-having conversations with others
-going to museums and admiring art
-taking art or cooking classes
-trying something new
-hiking a mountain
-going on tours of government buildings

The list could go on and on! There are so many valuable skills we can acquire! I think it really is more about being open to new ideas and using what we learn that really qualifies someone for being educated. And sometimes learning from life can teach us far more than a formal degree ever could.

I think it is important for us all to be advocates for education and to support our government in allowing its people to become educated, as well as taking opportunities for ourselves, and inspiring our children to do the same.

Having an education is by far the greatest asset any of us can have as we use our knowledge to further our success and character, as well as contribute to society.

As a side note, there was also a political side to this book. I find that it is just as important as the education part because the government was the reason for Malala's fight for education. The law restricted girls from attending school.

When I was in Jerusalem, I grew such a love for the people there and for their commitment to their religions. However, I know that in other parts of the Middle East, there is no freedom. I was very humbled as I read Malala's side of what was happening in her world as the War on Terror ensued. I saw that America didn't always do that right thing and that even though their end goal was justified, they way they went about it was not right. The people in Pakistan had nothing to do with Sadam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, yet their world was being turned upside down, their cities destroyed, their houses abandoned as our country fought so violently to have these men destroyed. Majority of the people in these Middle Eastern countries were completely innocent bystanders. People who loved their country, the lives, families, and even their culture despite some of the restrictions based on gender.

I just hope that we can see people for who they are and to focus more on individuals, rather than clump whole races of people together and claim that they all believe the same things and would act radically. Mostly, we just need to L O V E and come together as we fight for things that really do matter in this world.