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st. geezy

January 26, 2015
I seriously couldn't have asked for a better weekend! Let's just say I'm really grateful for my amazing friends, for the wonderful college that brought us all together, and for the opportunity to adventure.

I think I'll just do some storytelling through pictures.

and so it begins...
those boys and their silly faces...

First of all we spent the car ride listening to Aaron's playlist of music. Quite a controversial topic.

false. I only like a few songs.

at this point, we just rolled with it.
if it has t-swift, it's a win.

the loot of treats. so healthy...
Bryan: sour patch kids
Aaron: jerky and pringles
Jared: york peppermint patties

and we played a little bit of catchprase. It's gets preeetttttty intense.

3 1/2 hours later we made it to St. George. Home of palm trees, 60 degree weather, and just all around goodness. We watched BYU dominate in some rugby. They looked like this.

kiiiinnd of intimidating.

BYU 50 UofU 22
go cougars!

Right after the game we went on a hike! And it was pretty much the greatest. 
We'll begin with some pictures of Jared in the wild.

football in hand. such a natural

he literally just ran up the mountain like it was no big deal

he wanted a picture of his 
"best climbing pose"

The kid was all over the place haha!

While we hiked we tossed around the football, sang songs, and tried not to get poked by the cacti.

here we are at the trailhead!

this is what we climbed:

and this is how we got there:
(look close!)

but first, we took a mini-climb to a little cave.
don't they look like they're in a movie?
the closer you look, the funnier it gets. 
Aaron's pose and Bryan's face are priceless

Sometimes I just like candid pictures

I absolutely LOVE rock climbing soooo much! It was seriously the best thing ever. I just felt so free and empowered. I felt like I could just forget about everything and enjoy the beauty around me. It almost felt like summer. And I'm starting to learn that summer is most definitely one of my favorite things. So basically I was on cloud nine. I had gone ahead of everyone else and I loved those few minutes when I could just be by myself and just take it all in. We live in an amazing world, and really at that point in time, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

And now the view from the top.

"May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better. Walk in nature, watch a sun(set), enjoy God's creations, ponder the truths of the restored gospel, and find out what they mean for you personally. learn to see yourself as Heavenly Father sees you - as His precious daughter or son with divine potential" --Elder D. Todd Christofferson

look at that stud! 
photo cred: Aaron

You could say we're a pretty good lookin' group

We were jammin' to The Carpenters and John Denver. Major throwback haha!

and now...just because you can never have too many pictures with one of your best friends:

 we made it up just in time to watch the sunset. it was presh.
photo cred: Aaron

Then we made our way back down the rock on the opposite side. 
the most important thing we learned: watch out for falling rocks!

and some of us learned more effective ways of going down...

look at that cute girl!

When we made it down, we were sweaty, cold, and kind of worn out, but still very happy campers.
and then we ended the day with a trip to the temple grounds.

It was absolutely beautiful.
We took a lap around the whole thing and then stopped at the Visitor's Center.

The best part was that we all got to speak our mission language!
They have sisters that speak english, spanish, french, and german! Basically some of the best languages out there! So we took our sweet time socializing. It really is quite fun that we're all returned missionaries and that we can share those experiences and talk about those 18-24 months that changed our lives. 

I really missed my mission that day. I would give anything to wear that nametag and testify about our Savior 24/7 again. What a huge blessing it was. The spirit was just so strong there and I miss having that opportunity to just talk about and apply the gospel so fully each and every day.

We ended the night by staying with our dear friends, the Del Toros. It was so good to see them after so many years! The one thing they wanted to make sure of is that we were converted to St. George. The beautiful view from their porch definitely helped with that. 

We watched Miracle and then headed off to bed. 
For your viewing pleasure, this little kid never gets old.

We got up early the next morning to make it back in time for church. 
When I walked outside that morning, it felt like paradise. 

The way back was a blast! We shared lots of mission stories and played Heads Up. Our favorite category is Hey Mr. DJ. We're pretty cultured when it comes to music!

Going to church, all nice and clean, was definitely a great way to end our trip. I'm grateful for the gospel and for the blessing it is in my life. I'm grateful that I have such great friends who share the same standards that I have and that we are able to uplift each other and support each other through everything. I'm grateful for such wonderful examples of hard work and dedication. And I'm grateful for these fun people who are always up for anything and who help make life so enjoyable. 

It's been one for the books.

a good day

January 21, 2015
I texted my mom last week and it went a little something like this,

"My new jacket is so warm! And the strawberries I got from Costco are so good! And I wish I had been taking voice my whole life!"

In case you couldn't tell, I was a liiiiitttle excited about my morning. And I think that is important. Obviously we want to be grateful, but I think that oftentimes we just forget about the simple pleasures of life.

It's those constant day to day things that may even mean the most.

That jacket was one of the greatest investments. It really is so warm and it's black so it goes with everything. I wear it almost everyday now.

And those strawberries? They're still just as delicious as ever! The perfect snack when you're on-the-go.

Voice lessons. What a fun adventure that is! I get to actually prioritize my time so that I can practice singing. What is this??! Ya know, some people sing in the shower, some jam out in the car, just for pure enjoyment, but when I do it, it counts for something! I'm well on my way to being the next great Broadway star. ha! I wish...

What are the little things that make your world go round?

s e l m a

January 18, 2015
It's Martin Luther King Day. Most think of it as just a day off school. Some might learn a little bit about what he did and why we're celebrating him. Some might attend an assembly in his honor or be involved in some other activity. Here's a flashback from my 9th grade celebration of MLK:

Martin Luther King Jr.     by Mary Blackner
Must forever engage in our struggle for dignity and discipline.
All men are worthy of love and respect
Rights for all people, not just for some
Tolerance means being judged by our character, not the color of our skin
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
Now is the time
Love your enemies
Unity provides power necessary for change
To have the same rights
Heat of injustice and oppression will be transformed into freedom and justice
Rise up in peace and help our team of acceptance
Know that one day we will be free
I have a dream for the same schools, restrooms, and buses
God does not support segregation and discrimination

Rise from the dark valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice

This year, the work of Martin Luther King means a lot more to me. I attribute some of this to the fact that I spent a lot of time in the South. I saw the places where he stood. I came to understand a little bit more of the culture. I saw the ghettos of Birmingham where poverty and violence prevail, I saw plenty of rural fields and beautiful country, I passed confederate flags, and as I talked to people each and every day, I realized that segregation and racism still exist to a certain extent in the great state of Alabama. 

So as I sat in the movie theater yesterday with about 15 other returned missionaries from the ABM, things got real. I realized that history is just a story until you've been there. Until you've seen a place with your own eyes, you don't completely understand. Maybe the writers and producers of Selma just did a really good job, but I like to think because of the experiences that I've had in the past 18 months, the story of Martin Luther King Jr. and his activist life that changed America really became a part of me.

What a brave and courageous man. What strong-willed people. I was absolutely stunned by their determination to lead such a peaceful protest despite the persecution they received. They saw loved ones injured or even killed, they were mistreated over and over, and yet they continued to fight for their rights as citizens of this country. It was interesting to see the interaction between Dr. King and the President. 

Right is right no matter what. 

The law is the law and should be enforced in all parts of the country and yet the leaders at this point in time didn't seem to understand the power they had to make a difference. They didn't uphold the principles that they should've been taught. They didn't see that by just one simple choice to choose the right, to listen to the truth, they could've changed the destiny of thousands of people. 

Violence and discrimination is never ok. 
Denying unalienable rights is never ok either. 

It's honestly so sad that events like those that happened in Selma in the 1960s even occurred, but what a legacy they left. They were victorious. Through heartache and disappointment, they stayed united and continued to fight until their rights were recognized uninhibited. It truly is inspiring. 

As I reflected on my time in that part of the country and how I interacted with the descendants of these people, both black and white, that we really are just brothers and sisters and that we should be willing to help each other regardless of our backgrounds or skin colors through this journey here on earth. 

So this January 19 
take a moment to ponder on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. 
think of this great country we live in and the rights we have. 
think about your views and the way that you treat those around you. 
maybe resolve to be a little better. 
and never forget the people that paved the way for us today. 

Things would be a lot different without the Civil Rights Movement. 
A time in history that should never be repeated, but should always be remembered. 

monday musing #31

January 12, 2015
Sorry I'm such a slacker! The holidays and family just got the best of me and I just haven't had the chance to get back into it. But fear not. Because I haven't forgotten about you! 

I wanted to share a short thought from last week. 
I bore my testimony in Sacrament Meeting.
The 18 year old missionaries are back. Meaning that there are 20 year old freshman here at BYU. It's kinda weird

I was thinking about something that my little brother said when we we were skyping him on Christmas. He said that his biggest challenge in the MTC was knowing exactly what to say to help their investigator, but not knowing how to say it because of the language barrier. 

Now I'm sure this is something that a lot of missionaries experience, especially those learning a new language. But it got me thinking about sharing our testimonies. We have the opportunity to share it each and every day, mostly in our native tongue or for those of you serving in a foreign language, you've had enough experience now where it's not that difficult to share what you believe. But how often do we turn down that opportunity? How often do we forget to do the easy things? 

My hope is that we will each try a little harder to share the simple truths of the gospel with anyone who comes on our path. Whether that's just by your example, by actually bearing your testimony, or my some other form, don't take for granted the things that you know to be true. 

Especially when you come home. Make it a goal now to continue to share the gospel just like you did as a missionary. There is always more to do and more people to reach out to. 

I hope y'all each had a wonderful holiday season and that you got to spend some time thinking about our Savior. Now resolve to be more like Him Ü

Have a good one!
♥love, Mary

here's a few pictures to catch you up on the past couple weeks of my life!

mission parties are the best parties!

compañera reunions are the best tambien!

I work with basically the coolest people in town

Look at my cute little missionary brother! It was so good to talk to him on Christmas!
Vaya con Dios mi hermano!

Fun trip to Seattle with the parents! It was magical ;)

I missed this cute girl during break! So grateful for our friendship and that we get to work together!

First of all, I'm in love with the Salt Lake Temple. Second of all, I'm so proud of this boy who left on his mission this week!


January 9, 2015
This year may have just been one of the hardest years of my life. I'm sure it was bound to happen sometime, so instead of shying away from the hardship, I came to embrace it and learned some extremely valuable lessons about myself, about the atonement, and about our life here on earth.

I helped strengthen the ward in Decatur, AL. What a blessing it was to serve those people. I also learned how to face your fears and trust in the Lord from an amazing woman named Brenda.

I had the opportunity to serve with one of the most patient and loving people I know, Hna Torgersen.

We laughed and worked hard and tried to speak some Spanish. Some days were better than others, but we cherished our time with the Latinos in Birmingham.

I came home! It was definitely a bittersweet experience. I got to reflect a lot about my mission and the person I have become. I also played the piano. a lot.

We took a trip to the beach. I absolutely loved it. I finally got rid of my headaches!

Back to BYU. I missed this place while I was gone. I became an RA in Helaman Halls, which was new to me!

Stadium of Fire, studying outside in the sunshine, watching movies, late nights roving

Finals, and my family came to visit! I was busy with RA training, but we did get to spend some time together. It always goes by too fast.

A new semester. I almost felt like a freshman again. Where did all these people come from??

I'm feelin' 22. Football games. Teaching PE. RAing. New friends. Old friends come home!

We went home for Thanksgiving to say goodbye to my little brother. Can't believe he'll be gone for two.whole.years!

There's always so much going on with the holidays. We got to enjoy some much needed relaxation and lots and lots of family time. It was a blast!

Looking forward to all the 2015 has in store!