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December 30, 2011
Since I've been home, I've been taking a vacation from blogging too. I've had lots of ideas and plenty of things to write about but I just haven't found the time to sit down, think, and write it all out! Hopefully when I get back on my daily routine I will catch up. Vacation truly is wonderful!!!

There's No Place Like Home

December 18, 2011
There are so many songs, quotes, and movies about how great home is. But you really can't connect or fully understand until you've been away from home. I absolutely love being here! As much as I enjoyed being at BYU and all the fun I had, people I met, things I learned, there truly is nothing that beats Washington and family. I don't even have to be doing anything besides sitting around and I still love every minute of being HOME. I feel like I took a lot for granted and I never fully appreciated all the blessings I have. And I know I spent a lot of time in my room, by myself instead of being with my family which is so lame! Now I always want to be where the action is and don't really like being alone, which is definitely a good thing. I'm looking forward to the rest of break and all the fun adventures ahead.

The Best Two Years

December 14, 2011
Today was the start of many goodbyes to happen in the near future. But I would like to think of them just as see ya laters. I'm so glad that I've made good friends that have such strong testimonies and are willing to sacrifice two years to serving the Lord and preaching the gospel. They are such great examples and I'm so proud of them! I can't wait to hear about all their adventures including all the hardships and successes. Two years may seem like a long time but in the grand scheme of things it's no time at all. Who knows where we'll be but as I said farewell to Jordan and Philip today, I couldn't help but think of the quote, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened". So much laughter and fun memories were made with these guys. Good luck and return with honor!

You Can't Catch Me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!

December 13, 2011
I love doing seasonal activities and I've definitely done my fair share of them this year at BYU. Christmastime cannot be complete without making gingerbread houses. With real gingerbread of course!
Close friends are good substitutes for familly and we shared lots of laughter, creativity, pictures, silly faces, and singing Christmas tunes. It was a great night that once again got us in the Christmas spirit. I'm so grateful for my amazing friends and that we have the opportunity to be at BYU where we can live our standards together.
It also made me really excited to go home and read all of our Christmas stories!


December 12, 2011
I heard about skittles bowling a long time ago as a date idea but this was the first time I actually got to do it. And I didn't just have one date but five! After all semester, the summer crew finally got back together. It was such a blast and of course we were laughing the whole time.

It seems like just yesterday we were outside playing volleyball, enjoying the sun, not worrying about homework because we barely had any, oh and playing mario kart on the wii. Time has flown by and now they are all getting ready to go on missions! 

Anyways, back to the bowling. First, we got in free...score! Second, it was cosmic bowling which makes it so much better, and third, we all did horrible but didn't care!

This is how skittles bowling works. Every time you bowl, you have to grab a skittle and based on what color it is, that's how you have to do your turn. So...
green- opposite hand
purple - eyes closed
orange - hop on one foot
yellow-  normal
red - backwards between the legs

We played a real game afterwards and I must be way out of practice because I did better with the skittles than I did when I was actually trying! We then went over to Ben and Bryan's apartment in new heritage ( I wanna move there SOOOO bad!!!) and just talked, reminiscing about summer and all the fun we had. Such a great night!

Happy Birthday Mom!

December 8, 2011

I read this poem and immediately thought of my mom and her birthday yesterday! I absolutely love her and everything that she does. She is my best friend, my greatest example, and one of the people I can always rely on. I'm so grateful for her and I hope she had a fabulous day! I can't wait to see her in just 8 short days!


So I am officially the newest member of Pinterest and I love it already! So many cute ideas and even though it may be a time waster, it allows a girl to dream :) There are so many practical and easy to do ideas that can make weddings and homes so original and adorable! Plus yummy food, cute outfits, and life-changing quotes. This website is fabulous!!!

'Tis the Season to be Jolly

December 4, 2011
I have had the most wonderful start to the Christmas season this week. On Monday night for FHE, we took awkward family Christmas pictures. I was able to wear my new Christmas pajama pants that have candy canes on them. I absolutely LOVE candy canes :)

 On Tuesday night, I went to see BYU's production of White Christmas. I grew up watching this movie and I hadn't seen it for a long time so it was fun to refresh my memory. It was a fabulous performance and I'm so glad I went! I couldn't help but think of Kenz during the song "Sisters". I love how close we are and I can't wait till she's here with me next year...(hopefully!)

Oh and the guy who played Phil was so cute! and really energetic and an amazing actor and flirtatious haha! I want to meet him :)

On Thursday, Brother Smith "decorated" our room for the holidays on a powerpoint slide with this fabulous ornament...

I also love all the lights and trees up on campus. It makes everything seem so festive!

And then Friday was the day I've been looking forward to for a long time! I started the day by making cookies and curling my hair. Oh and receiving an itinerary from Logan ha! Then I went to class...boring! I came back home and finished getting ready and then took the bus to Matt and Mikelle's to get the car. I picked up the boys and then we were on our way to Salt Lake! Of course there was traffic but the car was filled with Christmas music and laughter :) We made it there in time to have dinner at a little Mexican restaurant called Su Casa. After getting a little lost in the Conference Center we finally made it to the theater to see Savior of the World! I absolutely love this production and not only do I have all the lyrics memorized but I know majority of the lines as well! I've seen it so many times and I don't think I could ever get sick of it. However, it was fun to actually watch and enjoy it instead of being in it. It really brings the scripture stories of our Savior to life and the Spirit is SO strong. The first time I performed in it is when I really gained my testimony of Jesus Christ and I"m so grateful for that. I love the peace and joy that it brings and it was very entertaining to see a professional group do it. Although majority of it was similar to what we've done, there was a lot of aspects of the stage that I really liked. It testifies so well of a living Christ who served those around him and lived to do the will of the Father. I don't know what I would do without this gospel and I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have. My testimony has grown so much recently and I look forward the spiritual experiences I will have the future that will continue to strengthen it. 
Keza, Katie, Greta, Emily, Logan B, Logan C, Mac, Jordan, Nathan, Mary

We then went across the street to the beautiful Temple Square. Probably one of my most favorite places on the earth. And with Christmas lights it's like a million times better! Despite the freezing weather, as I was walking around I couldn't help but think about how blessed I am. I was able to think about the true meaning of Christmas and how I can't wait to go to the temple someday and how grateful I am that I have such good friends who share the same standards as me and that we have the opportunity to further our education at BYU, a college unlike any other on the entire earth. A college that is only one hour away from our church headquarters. There are so many people that don't have these opportunities and I couldn't help but take it all in. One thing I love about our church is that it's not about what you see, it's all about what you feel. We don't have to see things to believe them, because if we feel the spirit and have faith, then we know. 

Afterwards, Logan's mom invited us over for root beer floats. We chatted and then headed home. It was such a lovely evening and I'm so glad such a big group was able to enjoy this night with me!

What was going to be a boring Saturday, turned out to be amazing. Alan invited me to go up to Salt Lake for the BYU vs. Oregon basketball game and to go see the lights at Temple Square! I didn't hesitate to say YES and looked forward to being up there again so soon! Alan and I played monopoly on his ipad on the car ride up and we made it right on time for the game. We had great seats and it was so much fun to be in the arena where the Utah Jazz play! It was an amazing game and we won! Hartsock is my new favorite player because he is pretty much a beast and was tearin' it up in the paint. Also I want to marry Stephen Rogers because he is very attractive and super good at shooting three-pointers! 

After the game we went to the Gateway mall to have dinner and then we walked over to Temple Square. There were so many people there! But it was amazing nonetheless, and I could not express how happy I was to be there again. 

Mary, Alan, Koa, Allyson, Jake, Haley

"jumping for joy" in front of the temple

isn't it gorgeous?

We thought these chairs looked like thrones and decided that
 we could name ourselves King Alan and Queen Mary

I LOVE hot chocolate!!! 
Especially when it's peppermint flavored and has whipped cream on top!

I love this tree in the Joseph Smith Building. The ornaments are 
so pretty and the tree is so tall. The top reaches the chandelier!

Here's us on the trolley! It's free downtown Salt Lake so we thought we would take advantage of being warm for a small moment as we traveled from Temple Square back to the Gateway.

Now I am sitting in my warm bed with my blankets watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. I don't think I could describe a more perfect weekend. I hope we can all remember the true meaning of Christmas this year and remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we serve those around us and focus on what's important, I know we will be able to find lasting joy. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of this Christmas season!


November 28, 2011
The thing I am grateful for most this year was the opportunity I had to go home!!! My friends were constantly talking about how excited they were to see their families, and about their plane tickets, and all the fun things they were going to do. I couldn't stand to listen to it anymore because I wanted to go home so badly! It really is true that you don't know what you're missing until it's gone. I don't know what I would do without my family and I'm so grateful I get to be with them for eternity!
Things worked out and I got to drive home with my cousin Tim and his friend, Mike. We made the long 13 hour trek home to surprise our families! Waking up my mom at 1:30 in the morning was definitely the highlight. She had NO idea and I was so excited to surprise her! I'm glad she didn't know because I learned that I'm not a very good secret keeper and by the time I got home my dad, sister, and about 4 of my friends, plus my whole FHE group knew I was coming home haha!
I absolutely love Washington and just being home and the best part was that I sat around and did nothing! We watched movies and played games and just enjoyed being with each other. I could not have asked for a better thanksgiving. And what's keeping me going now is that there are only 3 weeks left of school and then I get to go back! I've already started counting down the days :)

On the Other Side of the Veil

November 19, 2011
Each week I go to the temple. Even though it's super close so the travel time isn't very long, it still is about a 2 hour trip. While being at the temple is always such a great experience, you get plenty of ponder time and get to enjoy the peace because you are waiting for so long just to end up doing only 2 or 3 names. Sometimes only 1. Now some would think, "Is it even worth it?" or "Someone else can do those 2 names that I would get to do and I can spend my time doing something else". But here is the thought...You may wait 2 or 3 hours do only do one name but think about how long that person has been waiting. These names come from the 1500's and 1600's which means they've been waiting for over 400 years! When the temple worker told us that yesterday it really put things into perspective. 2 or 3 hours of your time is really insignificant compared to how long the people on the other side have been waiting to be baptized. So now that I have that in mind, it makes going to the temple seem all the more worth it and it reminds me to keep an eternal perspective because that is what truly matters

Tender Mercies

November 17, 2011
On Tuesday in Book of Mormon class we were talking about why it's called the Book of Mormon. My teacher believes that it's named after the Waters of Mormon based on what Elder Maxwell has said. When I went home that day, I checked the mail and guess what I found. A postcard from Guatemala that was mailed on July 13, sent on October 29 and delivered on November 15. Crazy huh? But that's not the cool part. When I read it, my mom had written that they had been at the Waters of Mormon on that day! So I told my teacher about it today because I thought it was pretty exciting. He called me to the front of the room and looked up one of Elder Bednar's talks in General Conference. He says:

Six months ago, I stood at this pulpit for the first time as the newest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Both then and even more so now, I have felt and feel the weight of the call to serve and of the responsibility to teach with clarity and to testify with authority. I pray for and invite the assistance of the Holy Ghost as I now speak with you.
This afternoon I want to describe and discuss a spiritual impression I received a few moments before I stepped to this pulpit during the Sunday morning session of general conference last October. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf had just finished speaking and had declared his powerful witness of the Savior. Then we all stood together to sing the intermediatehymn that previously had been announced by President Gordon B. Hinckley. The intermediate hymn that morning was “Redeemer of Israel” (Hymns, no. 6).
Now, the music for the various conference sessions had been determined many weeks before—and obviously long before my new call to serve. If, however, I had been invited to suggest an intermediate hymn for that particular session of the conference—a hymn that would have been both edifying and spiritually soothing for me and for the congregation before my first address in this Conference Center—I would have selected my favorite hymn, “Redeemer of Israel.” Tears filled my eyes as I stood with you to sing that stirring hymn of the Restoration.
Near the conclusion of the singing, to my mind came this verse from the Book of Mormon: “But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance” (1 Ne. 1:20).
My mind was drawn immediately to Nephi’s phrase “the tender mercies of the Lord,” and I knew in that very moment I was experiencing just such a tender mercy. A loving Savior was sending me a most personal and timely message of comfort and reassurance through a hymn selected weeks previously. Some may count this experience as simply a nice coincidence, but I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Often, the Lord’s timing of His tender mercies helps us to both discern and acknowledge them.
So it's clear that some might think this is a coincidence. But with belief and faith in our Savior (the topic of our lesson today) it's easy to recognize that simple things like this really are tender mercies of our Lord. I'm so grateful for my Book of Mormon teacher and for the great impact he's had on my life the past couple of months and for all that I am learning about the gospel. I really do love it and I'm doing all that I can to help my testimony grow each and every day.


November 15, 2011
As I sat and waited for the bus this afternoon I realized how long a minute really is. Sitting in the cold is not my idea of fun and really your only choice when you're waiting for something is to think. And trying to NOT to think about being cold makes you think about it even more! So as the minutes passed by, I realized how long 60 seconds can last and that amid all the millions of things I have to do this week it's really important to use your time wisely! What a concept, I know. My teachers and parents have drilled this my entire life but it's a lot easier said than done. So my goal for the rest of the week...BE PRODUCTIVE! Use every second to the fullest and get everything done that I need to so that I can have a relaxing Thanksgiving Break!

Less is More

October 30, 2011
  • less facebook friends is better...because you're friends with the people that really matter in your life.
  • less music is better...because then you'll only listen to the stuff you really like and you get rid of music that may be inappropriate
  • less food is better...because you don't fat
  • less homework is better...because you have more free time
These are the conclusions I've come to today

I Love to See the Temple

October 29, 2011
I just wanted to share a little snippet from my journal...
"There is such an amazing spirit here and I love how close it is so I can come at any time. It's a beautiful fall day. The sun is shining, there are falling leaves, and it's not too cold. it feels so peaceful and it's so easy to forget the cares of the world. You feel like time stops and that nothing else matter because you know you're in the right place. Being at the temple allows you to have an eternal perspective and to remember what's really important." Sounds like a perfect day, does it not?

Trick Or Treat

October 21, 2011
I love fall time and even though I'm not into the whole scary part of Halloween, there's so many cute things you can do at this time! For example, a pumpkin carving party!

To Start, we went to the pumpkin patch.

It was Keza's first time at the pumpkin patch and she was SO excited! We took lots of pictures to document this exciting event :)  

Then we carved the pumpkins. We all took different roles...
Keza liked to stab her pumpkin. She kind of looks like a murderer haha!

Jordan had the "peasant" job of picking out the seeds from the goop

Philip tried to eat his pumpkin...

And I was concentrating VERY hard. It was difficult!

This actually made me miss my dad a lot. He has always helped me carve my pumpkins ever since I can remember. 

And you can't have a party without treats!
Who needs more than caramel corn, Halloween cake, dirt n' worms, and root bear floats. Plus caramel apple succors and candy corn! Good stuff!

Then we took pictures and were very resourceful by using a damp paper towel center and birthday candles.
what a good lookin' group!

check out those teeth!

And to finish it all off...a hilarious, halloweeny video with an all-star cast ;)

Hot N Cold

October 16, 2011
This is the song that comes to mind when I think of this crazy weather we've been having here. Two weeks ago it snowed and it was absolutely freezing! Everyone was getting out their winter wear and it just came a lot sooner than expected. But then guess what? The next week it was totally summer-ish again. Like upper 70s and 80s. What is this? Weather just make up your mind! So now it feels more like fall again but I think we can plan on some pretty cold weather in the near future...Yikes!

Happy Birthday to....ME!!!

October 7, 2011
What a fun birthday weekend! Definitely a perk of having a fall birthday is all the excitement that comes with general conference. I started the weekend with an amazing football game on friday night. Go BYU! Then watched batman and made cookies. The next morning while watching conference I made homemade cinnamon rolls....mmm, mmm, good! The afternoon session I watched with my friends Greta and Emily. I think my favorite session was Saturday morning. But of course all the talks are so great. I am going to try really hard to apply their teachings into my life to be more righteous and prepare for what's to come. Saturday night, Greta and I drove up to Salt Lake to stay with my cousins, Alecia and Brittany. They made us dinner and had a little birthday party for me :) It was so nice and thoughful! We played 5 crowns and just talked. It was so nice to spend time with them. I feel like I've never really talked to them that much because they are older and I usually only see them at grandma's when we're with everyone else.

Sunday morning Greta and I woke up super early after not getting that much sleep haha and drove to conference! I absolutely love being in the Conference Center. There is such an amazing spirit there and it's so fun to be in the same room as the prophet and all the apostles. It was also fun to be with Uncle Don and Aunt Marci and Ben and Tim. They of course have fun puzzles to play with and thinking games haha! We went back to Alecia and Brittany's and watched the second session and did homework and then headed back to Temple Square to see the Pearsons and to take pictures at the temple. Temple Square is one of my most favorite places and it's so nice to be so close to it now!

Oh but the weekend doesn't end there. After getting home and being completely exhausted my friends decide to inform me that they're "kidnapping" me at 12:01 when it's officially my birthday and taking me to In N Out. At approximately 12:01 I hear a knock at my door and open it to find Greta, Keza, Chloe, and Emily there with streamers, balloons, and straw noise makers haha! We then went to the car. I opened the door and was a little shocked to find someone in there! It scared me haha but they want Aaron to be a surprise. So being squished against the door and Aaron we made our way there. It was very tasty and Emily decided to get on the table and announce to the whole restaurant that it was my birthday and everyone sang to me. Kind of embarassing haha but it was fun! 

The next morning I wake up kind of stressed about life. But as the day went on it got a lot better and I had a great day. I went and got myself dinner at my favorite place, Zupas, went to Jamba Juice to get the Pumpkin Smash smoothie (you must try it!), and a cupcake at the Cocoa Bean. Sounds like a fabulous meal to me :) I then went and played Conference Jeopardy for FHE and spent time with my friend Jordan and skyped my family :) Being old didn't turn out to be that bad! I look forward to this coming year and all it has in store.

Sports Galore

September 26, 2011
Teach Me How to Jimmer
Just Fredette About It
Jimmer Mania
The Jimmer Show
Jimmer Fredette, Nothin' But Net
You Got Jimmered!
Jimmer Protects This House

Let's see how many ways we can use his name in a sentence. Seriously, Jimmer Fredette is an idol down here at BYU. He doesn't even go here anymore but all you have to do is say his name and people will start cheering. And all because of one season. How amazing is that? The Jimmer All-Star Game was absolutely amazing! I'm so glad I got to go. That was some great basketball right there. It was kinda fun to see the Mariott Center, used so far for devotionals and broadcasts, to be turned into a basketball court. A completely different atmosphere! Although the attention was directed at Jimmer, people also loved Isaiah Thomas! He was quite the character and a lot of fun to watch. He's so little haha! It was nice to be represented from WA though :) It was such a high scoring game and just pure entertainment. We had great seats too! Overall, it was a fantastic night!

So friday night was another shot at trying to win a football game without ridiculous passes, turnovers, and just no cooperation. There definitely was less people at this game but there were still those true blue fans. Anyways, we pulled it off and we won! There was some great yardage and it was fun to watch them actually do something right. It's not perfect yet, but I think we're on our way up there. Basically I would die without sports and I'm so glad I have the opportunity to go to so many games!

After the football game, me, Aaron, Jared, and Brittni went to the trampoline place. It was so much fun! It made me feel like I was on the diving board again. It takes a lot of energy though. We climbed rock walls and fell into foam pits, did flips off trampolines, went through hoops, and just had fun! And the perfect end when we were all hot and sweaty....slurpees!


September 18, 2011
After two weeks of watching our football team play on TV, wishing we were in a real stadium and being a part of the amazing atmosphere, we were so ready for a home game in good ol' Lavell Edwards Stadium.

Plus it was rivalry week! If you're not from Utah, I don't think you understand the magnitude of the rivalry between BYU and the University of Utah. Some people eat, sleep, breath, and would even die for their preferred team. It gets so extreme that the statues on campus are saran wrapped to prevent them from getting damaged, everyone is wearing blue (with a few rebel exceptions of people wearing red) and the night before the game people were egged on the streets. It's so crazy!

I thought that BYU had a pretty good chance of winning. In fact, I was quite confident that they were gonna pull it off. Football games are so much different when you're actually a student at the school. You feel so much more heart and passion for your team and you just feel like a part of the tradition.
But, to our dismay, we got slaughtered. Like it wasn't even close. It was torture to watch what unfolded that night. Ever since the teams first played each other, each year the game has been within a touchdown or less. Until now...I can't even describe how horrible it was! It was even worse to have it rubbed in your face by the Utah fans that go to BYU. What a depressing night!

What a Random Night!

September 17, 2011
So we heard about this great glow dance goin on and we had to be there! In our great 80's outfits of course! We got ready and looked absolutely fabulous :)
Only to find out that the party was super lame. Now what to do?? Pick up random guy on the corner of Heritage and go roller skating! What was bound to be a fun night turned out to be a disaster. Turns out I'm not that great with four wheels...
Basically we were in the middle of a train when we turned a corner. I fell, landed on my leg backwards, and pretty much went into shock. NOT fun at all! I've never felt that much pain in my entire life. Although I couldn't really walk for the next couple of days, I'm doing fine now. But it's still not better. Uh-oh! Guess we won't be trying that again anytime soon :/

Summer Nights!

September 10, 2011
There's nothing like a country concert to make you feel like it's still summer! Justin Moore, Sara Evans, and Rascal Flatts....i know, be jealous :) well due to extreme traffic conditions we missed Justin Moore but it was okay. Sara Evans was amazing! I haven't heard a lot of her songs but I'm definitely a fan now! She was really funny! And then came Rascal Flatts!

Probably one of my favorite country groups. Most likely because I know almost all of their songs. Let me tell you, concerts are so much more entertaining when you can sing along and dance. We asked a lady to take our picture and she said, "It likes like you girls are having a little bit too much, if that's even possible" haha!

This was my first official country concert which Greta and I have been trying to plan for about 2 years now. But we finally had the opportunity to go and it was totally worth it! I was exposed to a whole different culture. Like literally you can think of country fans as being cowboys with boots and hats but I don't think you really understand the extent of it until you've seen it. Living in our little bubble in Provo, this was definitely a culture shock. Levi's, rednecks, beer (and drunks), plaid, and every other stereotypical thing you can think of! Not gonna lie, definitely wanted to find myself a cowboy but it would've been very difficult to find a good, clean one.

So much fun! If you thought the traffic going up there was bad (approx. 2 hours) just wait till you find out how bad it was coming home! We left at about 11 and we didn't get home till 1! Why on earth would there be traffic this late at night, I have no clue. But I'm so glad we went! See y'all later!

It's All About Balance

September 4, 2011
It amazes me how I feel like I have no time to get everything done that I need to. Still making the adjustment from summer where I had ample time to keep up on both school and play. There's obviously a lot more homework with more classes, I'm spending more time in class, I have an hour commute (that sounds funny haha!) and I still want to have time to hang out with people and just have time to relax. It's impossible! My room was always spotless this summer and now it's always a disaster. I really need to get my priorities straight and get a good schedule going. The walk is really a killer...I always get distracted and want to go visit all my friends in Helaman and that just delays everything. Not good!

I also try to avoid Wyview as much as possible. I know it sounds horrible but you would do the same thing if you were the ONLY freshman. Tell me how Wyview is majority freshman and I'm the lucky one to be put in with all the upperclassmen. Not fair! And I love my bishopbric but all the boys are RMs! It's definitely not what I was expecting. Everyone is so mature and serious and half of them already know each other and I just don't fit in at all. I mean it wouldn't be that hard to talk to people but I just don't really want to. I would much rather be in a freshman ward where it's all new to everyone and they are all excited and it's just a party but it's okay. I'll just make the best out of the situation.

One thing I know for sure is that there will be NO serious dating or ANY talk of marriage. That's all they talk about at church and it's super awkward. I'm not even 19 yet! They are making all the boys go on at least one date a week and they said they don't want anyone getting married this semester but they are definitely looking forward to it next semester. I'll probably just go hide under a rock so no one knows I'm here.

However, there are some VERY attractive young men on campus and I wish I was friends with all of them! But sadly, I just see them in passing and I never get to talk to them :(

Class, Class, and more Class!

September 3, 2011
What an adjustment! Going from 6 credits to 15 is a big jump! But I'm ready for the challenge. I'm taking American Heritage, Biology, Stats, Child Development, Book of Mormon, and during the second block I'll be taking Elementary Skills and Activities.

 It's still so weird to me that I'm in COLLEGE! I still remember being in kindergarten. But I'm so ready for this new adventure in my life. It takes me about 25-30 min to walk to school but it's actually not that bad. The important thing is to remember to wear good shoes! I already have too many blisters to count and no matter how many times I wash my feet they are always dirty and calloused! A nice breeze on the way to class feels so great but it rarely happens. I'm praying for it to be cool now but in about 3 months I know I'm going to be praying for it to be hot again! It still is unbelievable to me how many people are here. I feel like I'm gonna be trampled and there has been more than one occasion when I've almost been hit by a bike. But so far, so good!

First Week of Real School!

August 28, 2011
Let me begin by saying BYU is a completely different place fall semester...there are people EVERYWHERE! It's so crazy to think that I go to a school with 32,000 students. It has been fun catching up with friends from summer and getting re-acquainted with the campus. It's so beautiful here! We've spent a lot of time shopping for food, kitchen appliances, textbooks, and just all around preparing for the upcoming year. I absolutely love my apartment here in Wyview. Although it's extremely far away from campus, I think it will be a great experience. I'm in a room by myself and I'm surprisingly really excited about that ha! Here's what it looks like...

I enjoyed some of the festivities of NSO such as a dance, the introduction where I got my free planner :), a soccer game, and a volleyball game. It feels good to be back. It's still extremely hot and sunny but I'm definitely looking forward to fall! GO COUGS!