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book review: man’s search for meaning

February 13, 2018

My favorite thing about book club this year is that I've been crossing off books that have been on my list forever!! It has been so nice to make the time to finish them each month. You really feel so accomplished!

This book was definitely a thinking one. Once you hit the psychology part it starts to totally go over your head unless you really pay attention to what you're reading. 

I just think it is so fascinating how our minds work and that we really do have so much power over how we react to circumstances and situations that life throws at us. I don't think I could've done what Victor Frankl did but I love reading about these amazing humans who overcome so much. They are such great examples of how to rise up and fight for life no matter what. It still blows my mind that such a tragic event happened in our world's history. I honestly cannot fathom how the whole thing even transpired. But, I'm thankful for the documentation we have of it so we can learn from it and come to know people who made a difference. 

“Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you 
are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only 
does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than 
oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself."


February 11, 2018
I stumbled upon an Instagram account of a girl who lives in New York and does calligraphy and I instantly became obsessed with her feed. Beautiful streets, amazing architecture, town squares decked for all the holidays, cute home decorations, adorable outfits, and a small business of perfect handwriting.

I couldn’t fight the urge to CREATE. I was feeling so overwhelmed just with life. I felt like my life was on repeat. Wake up, make the bed, go to school, teach all day, go to choir, come home, make dinner, tidy up, do dishes, go to bed and start over all day. I felt like I didn’t have time to do any of the things I wanted to do because all of the things I had to do took up so much of my day.

I wanted time to play the piano and violin, read books for fun, try new recipes, write letters, practice my handwriting, take pictures and edit them, blog and express my thoughts, be outside and explore. So. Many. Things. I decided that something needed to change. I couldn’t really cut out of the other things but I could make more time each day to squeeze in a little time to create.

My thoughts were affirmed the next Sunday when our Sunday school lesson was about the creation. I was reminded of a Mormon message by Elder Uchtdorf.

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings 
of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, 
backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent 
wish to create something that did not exist before."

I absolutely love that!! We were created by the most perfect creator and we should try to emulate him in this. He also promised that we will find fulfillment and happiness in doing so. 

So to all those who feel inadequate or unhappy, find the time to create and beautify things as well as being compassionate to those around you and happiness will follow! 

I hope you will join me in making the time to tune in to this innate desire!