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Summer Days

August 10, 2016
My mother wrote me a letter this week on a card that said,

"If I had my life to live over again, 
I would start barefoot earlier in the spring 
and stay that way later in the fall."
--Don Herold 

I LOVE that! It pretty much sums up my feelings about wearing shoes. Unfortunately this summer I was on campus way too much to really enjoy going barefoot, but I am so glad I live in a place where this is possible! Sometimes it's even good to go barefoot in a big rainstorm ;) Here's to the simple life.

the hometown date

August 3, 2016
I used to be an avid Bachelor(ette) watcher. I didn't love the drama, but I did love all the dates. Now, most of them were seemingly very unrealistic, but never the hometown date. It was always very real and a chance for them to show off their favorite places of growing up and for their significant other to meet their family. This week I had my very first ever hometown date.

We left Idaho and drove straight to Washington. Because who doesn't need more partying? I wasn't there for long enough, but any time at home is better than none at all. We picked up Kenz and Tom in Twin Falls and then made the trek home complete with Go Pro footage the whole time. We arrived pretty late but it was a gorgeous summer night and I was beyond thrilled to be HOME. We came in, talked, played a short game, and then headed to bed.

Saturday was Mitchell's birthday!!! The big 27. We piled in the car and went to go see the new Bourne movie. It was great.

Then we went down to Chambers Bay. Fav place. It never gets old. The view, the feel, the smell, everything.


That night we went to the Garlocks to see Maddy since  she just got home from her mission. It was fun to see them and the Lybberts. We also got to do a short tour of U.P. There's really not much to see haha! But it's home, and I wouldn't have wanted to grow up anywhere else.

Sunday was pretty low key. We went to two Sacrament Meetings and then got ready for family dinner. It was so fun to see everyone! We also played cornhole, pickleball, and spikeball. Quality family time. 

Monday we spent the day in downtown Tacoma and then headed up to Seattle.

 I was beyond excited to go to the Mariners game. I love everything about being in the city and the atmosphere of being at Safeco field.

Fun fact about Mitch, he's been to almost every single MLB field. Yes, 28 out of 30. How cool is that?? I'm only a little bit jealous.

Oh, I forgot to mention that they were playing the Red Sox. So basically my two favorite teams. Actually kind of the whole reason we came home haha! The Mariners lost, but it was still fun to be there.

It was a fun-filled weekend that went by too fast! I guess that means we'll just have to make trips more often.