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Which Way Do You Face?

October 29, 2014

This was one of my favorite talks from conference. He emphasizes that when we try to please others before pleasing God we are inverting the first and second great commandment and that by remembering the right order we are making decisions of character. He says, "This peer pressure tries to change a person’s attitudes, if not behavior, by making one feel guilty for giving offense. We seek respectful coexistence with those who point fingers, but when this fear of men tempts us to condone sin, it becomes a “snare” according to the book of Proverbs (seeProverbs 29:25). The snare may be cleverly baited to appeal to our compassionate side to tolerate or even approve of something that has been condemned by God. For the weak of faith, it can be a major stumbling block."

"When people try to save face with men, they can unwittingly lose face with God. Thinking one can please God and at the same time condone the disobedience of men isn’t neutrality but duplicity, or being two-faced or trying to “serve two masters”. While it certainly takes courage to face perils, the true badge of courage is overcoming the fear of men."

In this world that is so wicked and gets priorities confused so easily it's so important to have this strong courage. We also have to remember that our leaders aren't the ones that set the commandments and guidelines, it's the Lord.

"The scornful often accuse prophets of not living in the 21st century or of being bigoted. They attempt to persuade or even pressure the Church into lowering God’s standards to the level of their own inappropriate behavior, which in the words of Elder Neal A. Maxwell, will “develop self-contentment instead of seeking self-improvement”3 and repentance. Lowering the Lord’s standards to the level of a society’s inappropriate behavior is—apostasy.

And finally, he uses the example of our Savior and how He perfectly lives His life in harmony with this first great commandment.

"The Savior, our great Exemplar, always faced His Father. He loved and served His fellowmen but said, “I receive not honour from men” (John 5:41). He wanted those He taught to follow Him, but He did not court their favor. When He performed an act of charity, such as healing the sick, the gift often came with the request to “tell no man” (Matthew 8:4Mark 7:36Luke 5:148:56). In part, this was to avoid the very fame which followed Him in spite of His efforts to eschew it (see Matthew 4:24). He condemned the Pharisees for doing good works only to be seen of men (see Matthew 6:5).
The Savior, the only perfect being who ever lived, was the most fearless. In His life, He was confronted by scores of accusers but never yielded to their finger of scorn. He is the only person who never once forgot which way He faced: “I do always those things that please [the Father]” (John 8:29; emphasis added), and “I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me” (John 5:30). In every way possible, He was His Father’s perfect disciple. He was so perfect in representing His Father that to know the Savior was also to know the Father. To see the Son was to see the Father (see John 14:9). To hear the Son was to hear the Father (see John 5:36). He had, in essence, become indistinguishable from His Father. His Father and He were one (see John 17:21–22). He flawlessly knew which way He faced. May His inspiring example strengthen us against the pitfalls of flattery from without or of conceit from within. May it give us courage to never cower or fawn at the feet of intimidation. May it inspire us to go about doing good as anonymously as possible and not “aspire to the honors of men” (D&C 121:35). And may His incomparable example help us always remember which is “the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:38). When others demand approval in defiance of God’s commandments, may we always remember whose disciples we are, and which way we face."

The Reason for Our Hope

A conference talk a week. Easy enough right? Will you take the challenge with me? I thought I would just start from the top. Here's a few thoughts I liked from Elder Packer's talk.

  • the standard works testify of Christ
Like the title of the Book of Mormon says...Another Testament of Jesus Christ
  • "We may not live perfect lives, and there are penalties for our mistakes, but before we came to earth, we agreed to be subject to His laws and to accept the punishment for violating those laws."
How crazy to think about how we totally knew the whole plan before we came down here to earth. We agreed to follow the plan! And we also knew of the consequences if we didn't and agreed to accept those consequences. Having the knowledge of the pre-mortal life is such a blessing! It's proof that we're not in this alone. We have a loving Heavenly Father who gave us everything we needed to know to be successful.
  • "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored to move throughout the world the knowledge of the life and teachings of the Savior."
Being a returned missionary, I couldn't agree more with this. I absolutely loved being a representative of Jesus Christ, with his name right next to mine, close to the heart. However, this knowledge of our Savior didn't end with the Restoration, and it doesn't end when you come home from a mission. You can continue to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and let his light shine through you. The work continues to go forth.
  • "Each member serves as a testimony of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are at war with the forces of the adversary, and we need each and every one of us if we are going to succeed in the work the Savior has for us to do."
I love this imagery of this war being a team effort! We, as members of His church, are all on the same side and have the opportunity to stick together and be a force for good in the world. We need to do our part to be an example, to love and serve others, and to help win the good fight. 

monday musing #22

October 26, 2014
Can we just talk about how Provo still thinks it's summer??!
It is fantastic to have 75 degree weather still. No bundling up yet! 

And seriously, Where did October go?? It flew by and on Saturday it will already be November which means the holiday season. 

Today I went to this awesome regional conference where Elder Ballard spoke. The whole meeting was absolutely fabulous and I'm so glad I was able to go! 

This is what he said:

We all need to find a time to regularly get away from all the clutter of the world, find some place quiet, maybe have your scriptures in front of you and read a few verses, and then have an interview with yourself.

And ask..."where am I? what are my intentions? what are my goals?"

  • Write down what comes to mind about things you need to fix that will help make you the powerful, spiritual person that YOUare
  • Make mental, moral commitments that will prepare you for spiritual responsibilities
  • Think about what it is and where you would like to be 6 months from now
  • Pray for courage and strength to accomplish them
  • Make some goals
-don't set too many or too few
don't make them too high or too low

  • And then go to Gethsemane
-ponder the life of the Savior
-He opened up the possibility of life eternal
-found your life on His teachings
-learn to know the Lord by keeping His commandments
-He has said, "come unto me" 
-keep him ever in your mind

Try it one day during personal study this week and see how it goes! Like he said at conference, stay on old ship zion. Your ship should be heading toward the temple. You can do it! 

♥love mare


October 25, 2014
On a warm summer's night, bright orange flames leave a smoky aroma
Breath-taking sunsets capture all different shades
Construction workers in orange vests welcome the morning with their tools and machines
The satisfaction of an orange released in one peel
Juicy mangoes fill my soul with sweetness
Orange is vibrant

happy fall y'all!

October 23, 2014
Nothing like a Wednesday fall party to get you through the week! 

First stop: the pumpkin patch

I was on seed-sorting duty. We jammed to some good tunes, laughed, enjoyed the company of good friends, and focused on the precision of carving. 

Here's the treats we had:
(click on the link for the recipe)

The finished products:

You can tell who the artist was in the room

ignore Elijah...he was having a moment haha


October 21, 2014
One of my friends sent this email home this week. It was just what I needed to hear.

"It's interesting feeling to be a trainer because I feel myself being made more than I am, better than I am. I feel the inspiration about what to say, how to teach, and what to do coming to my mind. I had this realization the other day while praying, that though I have so far to go still, right now I am the best I have ever been in my life. The best person I have ever been. Higher than I have ever been. When hiking a big mountain, there comes a point when you look backwards and don't even see the ground anymore, but you look forward and you don't see the top either. That's where I am in my journey back to my Heavenly Father. 

I spent too large of a portion of my mission focusing on my inadequacies, feeling like I had so many weaknesses that I would never be able to leave behind, never be able to truly overcome, or just feeling like I didn't measure up. I learned that this is like when Peter tried to walk on water in the bible. He started out okay, he knew he was weak, and he needed the help of our Savior, but somewhere along the way instead of looking forward to the Savior who was reaching out his hand, he started looking down and became consumed with how much he couldn't do, and as we know, his faith failed him and he fell into the sea. So, like Peter, we can look down and see that the circumstances around us that seem impossible, and then become consumed with how much we haven't done, haven't changed, and don't measure up, and by so doing lose sight of the power of the atonement, and our Saviors loving hand reaching out to pull us up as he did to Peter. Or the second option is to recognize that we are weak, and that there is not one singular thing we can do without the help of our Savior, but that he is right there is front of us, calling our name, and pleading with us to look forward to Him, not down. If you have already begun to sink, or are treading water, or feeling like your strength is failing, and very soon you are going to drown in the depths of the sea, than I invite you to remember as Peter did, to look up and see the Savior standing over us, reaching down to lift us up out of the crashing waves of self critiquing, self doubt, and unrealistic expectations. The moral of the story is, sometimes we just have to get over ourselves, get out of our own way, and LET GO. We convince ourselves that it is humility to think poorly of ourselves or be hard on ourselves, or other times we set expectations for ourselves that are quite frankly way too high. But "know ye not are not your own?" (Corinthians 6:19). Therefore God sets the expectations, the requirements, God makes the mighty change of heart within us, he qualifies us and guides us along. So "come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him" (Omni 1:26). Stop trying to be so in control, just let yourself go into the hands of God, because then and only then will true happiness, and peace will fill your heart and "then shall your confidence was strong in the presence of God" (D&C 121:45). Do all you can, but stop being a Pharisee, so caught up in yourself, and the rules and expectations you have made for yourself, that you deny the power of the Savior and Deliverer who stands before you. He decides when we have done enough, not us. Listen to His voice, not your own, or worse the adversaries. 

So that's basically what the Lord has been trying to teach me on my mission, to be humble, submissive, and meek, and most importantly to put my whole soul on the sacrificial alter, all of my heart, my mind, my might, and my strength. I think I might just now be starting to learn it. But I love being a missionary. I love being a trainer, I have learned so much. Though I am incredibly human and weak, he is qualifying me."

monday musing #21

October 20, 2014
hi friends!

I just want y'all to know that I ate breakfast this week. and thatis a big deal. #beinghealthy

Not even sure where my spiritual thought comes from, but somehow I just ended up thinking about alabama a LOT this week. And I miss it more than ever. In fact, my thoughts went so far as to want to put on a nametag and knock on some doors. Can you believe that?! My companions all know that was probably one of my least favorite things to do, but it just sounded like so much fun for some reason! I miss talking to all the crazies in the ghettos of the south. And all the sweet hispanics! 

At church today we were talking about being in the world, but not of the world. You sisters are the perfect example of this. You go around wearing a skirt, with scriptures in hand, going places you probably never imagined you would be in or would never choose to go to, and talk to all sorts of people who may or may not be way off the path of righteousness. All in hopes of bringing them closer to our Savior. You leave all worldly things behind and are solely focused on the gospel even though you are surrounded by worldly things wherever you go. 

Sometimes I really miss that lifestyle. It's still possible, but as a missionary it's a little bit more extreme. Never forget how great your calling is and enjoy all that door knocking because for many of you that time is wrapping up! 

I LOVE Y'ALL more than saturday night football. 
But as much as I love football, 
it's a little difficult when your home team is struggggaallin hardcore.  

have a good one!

puppet show

October 18, 2014
My acting career continues with my performance of
The Case of the Missing PB&J Sandwich 
feat. the one and only Mary Blackner 
little brother

It was a blast and we definitely had the audience laughing.
You can enjoy a good puppet show no matter how old you are!

fridays are the favorite day

October 17, 2014
I've been reading through old journals recently. It is quite the experience to look back and see what was going on at different points in your life and the feelings you had. Recently I read about love stories, family time, friends from the mish, spring adventures, and lots of random facts. It was so fun to reflect on happy times :)

I hope I never have to go back to having class on Fridays because I just love 3 day weekends waaayyyy too much!

Mostly just because I get to sleep in. Today the day started with a movie with the sis. It's been awhile since I've been to a theater so that was fun! I also just can't get enough of these lovely fall days.

I then made my way to the temple. I am so grateful that I can make a weekly trip with only a 15 min walk. What a blessing! The temple always puts me in a better mood!

The day continued with a brief RA publicity meeting. Sometimes my job can be pretty fun!

Then a great talk with a friend. I love connecting with people on a deeper level and understanding what they're going through and being able to support them. I can't wait for so many of my girlfriends to get home, starting in two weeks!

I ended the day by playing the piano for a long time and then watching a movie while art journaling. Such a chill friday night but sometimes that's just the thing you need :)

I dunno about you, but I'm feelin' 22

I've had a birthday shout hooray!

It was a blast!

It started on Monday with a package from my parents. 
Lots of goodies, aaaaannnndd

this adorable banner

Thursday night was the annual birthday dinner at Red Robin. I haven't been there for my birthday since I started college so it was super fun to re-live old traditions. 
Especially with so many wonderful friends.

After we got home, Kenz, Jordan, Philip, and I played a quick game of Spot It and then it was time for bed. About 11:50 someone was banging on my door. When I got there to open it they weren't there but they left this lovely little note.

Then on Friday I spent the morning sleeping in, taking my time getting ready, and making some cupcakes. It was so nice to not have anything to worry about and just spend sometime relaxing!

I took a trip to the temple which was divine.

Kenz and I went to get free food!
I got her a sandwich at Firehouse Subs which was super comical because she told me beforehand exactly what she wanted so it wouldn't be awkward when we were at the counter. But she failed to mention which kind of bread she wanted so she sneakily said it under her breath when the girl asked haha! And then I went to Noodles and Company for the first time! It was delicious!

Then we were off to the football game. We got free stuff galore! We won't talk about the score or the injured players, but it was fun to be in good company. And it wasn't too cold either!

After the game Kenz and Jordan came over for cake and ice cream. 
We had a little party in the hallway which was super fun! 
vanilla funfetti cupcakes with graham canyon ice cream

I'm officially starting to feel like an adult. It's the weirdest thing in the world. So many exciting things ahead. We'll see what adventures await me this year :)

I Needed Today

October 16, 2014
The typical Saturday morning started with lots and lots of homework. Yay for productivity!

And then I went out with my girls Kenz and Alli. We make quite the trio. It mostly consists of those two basketball stars just cracking up all.the.time over nothing and teasing me about everything, but hey. we love each other.

We went on a little adventure to the Alpline Sliding Rock. It was probably the most beautiful fall day we've had. The temperature was just right. The sun was shining. The bright colors of the leaves were popping out of the canyon.

 sass haha!

this is the waterfall!

They made me go first! It took me a while to actually get the courage to do it! The water was freezing on my feet so I just knew it was going to be bad once I got my whole body in the water. Plus, I didn't want to get hurt! But the dare devil in me prevailed!

Kenz and Alli were laughing at me for taking so long to go, but it took them even longer to get down. I had to tell them over and over that they were going to be ok haha!

It was a blast! You go so fast! And the water wasn't actually that cold. 
It was the perfect Saturday adventure.

After we got back, I took a quick shower and then the Jareds came to get me! We went to the end of the women's soccer game and then met up with the rugby team to go to a bonfire. We caught up with some old friends, met new people, and then made our way to the bonfire spot. 

It was on the Spanish Fork side of Utah Lake and we just had the coordinates. After driving around for what seemed like forever, everyone else was lost too. And then we found out that it was like on top of this mountain with a dirt road that a lot of the cars couldn't even get to. That adventure consisted of lots of google map attempts, driving around in circles, singing out loud, watching the moon over the lake, swerving around dead raccoons in the road and me being sandwiched in the middle of the front seat with two huge muscular boys haha!

By this point, we just gave up haha! 

So we made our way back, stopped at Macey's for ice cream and a red box and then got some blankets and watched our movie under the stairwell in their apartment building. 

It was a quality day.

i realized something today.

i'm scared of blogging. yes, it's something i find joy in and oftentimes it's a lot easier to type than it is to write.

but the blog is open for the world to see.

and that is terrifying.

how can i open up? how can i be "real"? how do i justify writing about the things that are weighing on my soul, deep down inside.

fear of rejection. fear of ridicule. and fear of people knowing.

but what if it helps someone else along the way? what if it's ok to be vulnerable? what if this is just what i need to really find myself?

i don't always think i'm the most eloquent writer and i probably compare myself to others way more than i should. but sometimes i just want to have their bravery, their courage, and their willingness to share.

because really, we're all just human. we all have weaknesses and life's not perfect. but through the trials is how we grow.

and there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

we listen to a prophet's voice

October 14, 2014
Conference is by way one of my favorite weekends of the year. Maybe just because it always accompanies my birthday festivities but I'm pretty sure it goes deeper than that. I think that inside we, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints long for this weekend semi-annually because it is like spiritual feasting.

The weekend never lasts as long as you would like it to and it's always a bummer to go back to "real life" It's seriously like a vacation haha! I would say the first time in my life that I was completely engaged and got the most out of conference was on my mission. What an amazing experience. And I was so grateful that I was able to do the same this year. No distractions, no homework, no napping, no other obligation. Just lots of focus. I know it won't always be that way so I'll try and enjoy it now. 

I basically spent the entire weekend with Jordan. On Saturday morning before the first session we had breakfast. Waffles for him, cheerios for me. Then in between sessions, we made lunch, and did a little bit of homework. Then after the afternoon session we went to dinner and then made it back in time to watch priesthood and then after that, more homework! Then bright and early the next morning we made a huge breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. It was so good! In between sessions we watched a movie and took a short nap. And then after we went to Kenzie's for dinner and played a couple games. It was quite the weekend! And some good quality friend bonding time haha!

What a blessing it is to have a true and living prophet on the earth today who speaks for the Lord and leads and guides us. President Monson is the man! 

After taking living prophets this summer, I felt so much more prepared for conference. I knew each apostle individually! I knew what they did for a living, how many kids they had, how they felt about their wives, what they did for summer jobs as teenagers, and recognized stories they shared. But most importantly, I had an even deeper testimony of their divine role as special witnesses of our Savior, Jesus Christ. These men dedicate their lives to being true disciples in every sense of the word and I am so grateful for their examples and for their wisdom and guidance. 

So until April, I'm taking a challenge. One conference talk a week. Easy enough, right? I know that as we study these talks over that our testimonies will be strengthened and that we will find the answers we're seeking and be more prepared for the future ahead of us. Who's in it with me? 
October 13, 2014
i started journaling about my relationships. in hopes of finding some self-discovery and really analyze how i interact with those around me.

it went like this.

name: this is the conversation i had with them this week
name: this is how they reacted this week
name: this is what they talked to me about this week
name: this is how i feel about this person this week

it was the most fascinating thing! it was so interesting to even make the list of who i talk to in a week. and it was eye-opening to put on paper what we talked about and how it made me feel. it was almost empowering. i realized that i had a lot more opinions about these people in my life than i thought. i also saw that sometimes what i wanted to say in my head is not always what came out in the conversation. and i realized how much those you interact with can influence your life and the way you think and act.

i encourage you to try it. just to see. experiment with it and see what discoveries you make.

monday musing #20

October 12, 2014

Happy Fall Y'all!

'Tis the Season. I don't know if you've seen that at all on your missions but e'rybody around here is like IN LOVE with fall this year. Pumpkin everything, the leaves, sweaters and scarves, boots, crisp air, hot chocolate. I mean, I'm not complaining but it's a little weird that just now people are deciding on their favorite season haha!

Probably one of the most spiritually defining moments of my week was this Wednesday. I like to call it my "trying to beat the system of BYU parking" day. It was a struggle. I literally had to move my car around all day just so I didn't get a ticket.

It all started when I left at 8:30 in the morning to go to Spanish Fork to teach PE. I had to race back and parked in a 30 min parking spot because I didn't have time to park in the assigned west stadium parking lot or else I would be late for my drama class, and hence my puppet show. Priorities, ladies. So I changed in the car and rushed off to class. I came right back and moved to a different 30 min by my building as I went in and collected myself and got the things I needed and grabbed a quick bite to eat. Then I went to a 1 hour parking spot down by the Smith Fieldhouse so I could do an assignment. I timed myself and got work done and then hurried out to move one more time. At this point, I'm just thinking about how ridiculous this whole thing is and how stressful it is! So I think of the one place where they can't give me a ticket and where I can stay for as long as I want. the temple. It was a beautiful fall day with the sun shining, no need for a jacket but a slight breeze, and the leaves on Y mountain had changed over night. I parked, grabbed some homework and proceeded to find a nice spot on the grass. I stayed there for a couple hours and it was glorious. The caption to my picture is Refuge.

I hope we never forget the peace and quiet that the temple brings. Even just being on the grounds, all the worries of life seem to fade away. Sometimes you just need a break. The temple is for every worthy member of this church, but the grounds are open to all. What a huge blessing to this world. Heaven really is near at that sacred place. It was so nice to just have a moment to reflect and think about my relationship with my Heavenly Father, to enjoy every bit of the nature that surrounded me, and to know that I was safe there.

I hope you Sisters have a fabulous week and that you keep the faith. Thank you so much for your examples and for your hard work. Just keep loving those sweet investigators of yours. It'll be over before you know it but the sweet memories will never be gone.

Lots and lots and lots of love!

classes fall 2014

What a whirlwind of a semester it's been! September was a little intense, but things are starting to slow down a little bit. thank goodness. My sanity needs the break.

I love all my classes though! It's amazing how I just keep getting closer to being a real teacher! A short run-down on the classes.

PETE 212: PE for Elementary School Teachers
My first in-field experience! For 5 weeks, we get to teach a real class PE. Utah doesn't have PE specialists and so this is really the only PE the students get beyond what their teacher might occasionally do. Basically, it's just not a priority. Which is totally different than my experience in elementary school. So I have a class of first-graders and they are seriously the cutest. It's absolutely a joy to teach them each week! Probably the scariest part is that we have to videotape ourselves and we get graded. But that's ok! It's a great learning experience. They are absolute angels and love to have fun. So it's basically one of the highlights of my week.

TMA 352: Drama in the Elementary Classroom
For real though. Sometimes we do the most bizarre things in this class but I love it. There are only 9 of us, so we had to put those insecurities and fears in the closet and just go for it! We have come to know each other pretty darn well in the past month or so. We do everything from drama games to story reading to finding classroom connections to reading about creativity to exploring learning styles to talking about everything that goes into a performance. This week we have a puppet show. It's going to be the best!

CPSE 300: Exceptional Students: Principles of Collaboration
This class is actually really interesting. It's just an overview about students with special needs and more importantly how to accommodate and keep them in the general education classroom if at all possible. I am learning so much and the best part is that we get to volunteer for 10 hours and work with a student who needs extra help. I have the opportunity to work in my MTC teacher, Hermana Eyring's, second grade classroom which is amazing! It's an immersion classroom so all those little 8 year olds are learning Spanish! And they are so good! They definitely keep me on my toes. But I love it because I get to practice my Spanish that I didn't get to use very much. And let's be honest, little kids are way more fun to teach!

ENGL 313: Expository Writing for Elementary Ed
5-10 min, 5 days a week. That was our first writing assignment. You just gotta practice! And that's how you become a writer :) also by reading! (Which I highly recommend) The past two weeks we have been doing group presentations or lesson plans teaching different types of writing. It is so interactive and fun!

EL ED 323: Foundations of Literacy Development
It's a foundations class so it's not the most exciting thing in the world, but the content is very interesting. What does it mean to be literate? It is so much more than just reading and writing! It's about language development and looking and pictures and symbols and being able to use the internet and so many wonderful things! My professor is a hoot! So that always makes class entertaining.

RA class
We talk about some really serious issues in there. But it helps us to become more aware and more prepared to help our residents. We always enjoy being together :) And it's an easy "A"

I am taking my second semester of lessons and I really enjoy it. I've somehow managed to squeeze in some time to practice and it has made all the difference in the world. I'm pretty sure I've worked more on this piece than any other piece I've ever worked on. There's lots of little details that I'm working out, but I enjoy it. Improvement is always good! My teacher is pretty picky and gives me lots to think about but it's pushing me to become better. This is the song I've been working on.

anchored in christ

I'm at it again. We've faced the facts. I'm never leaving on-campus housing. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it, but like everything else in life, it has its' pros and cons. The beginning of a new school year is always so exciting. Especially when you're chillin' with the freshman because everything is so new and they're seeing it all for the first time. Although it was a fast turn around for me since I had just finished summer term, I still loved it all. Training was a blast! Trying not to compare to the first time, but it's been just as good. Just in a different way. The weirdest thing is officially being a returner and everything being a review. It was actually kind of nice to not be completely overwhelmed and lost. The only downside...I didn't get to spend as much time with mi familia.

This year I chose the theme Anchored in Christ. It's the first time I've done a spiritual theme, but I'm super excited about it. It's easy to incorporate our theme into our gospel-centered community. I also just love the idea of making Christ the center of our lives and focusing on him and as we go through journey here at BYU. So here's a few pics.

And a few lovely thoughts

mini crescent pumpkin pies

October 10, 2014
These little mini pies are sooo EASY and sooo GOOD! And the perfect kickoff to fall. Enjoy!

  • 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
  • 6 oz evaporated milk
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 3 cans (8 oz each) Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
  • Whipped cream, for serving
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. Combine the pumpkin puree, evaporated milk, sugar, egg and pumpkin pie spice in a medium bowl. Mix well.
  3. Unroll one can of the crescent rolls into a rectangle. Pinch the diagonal seams together. Using a pizza cutter, cut the rectangle into 16 squares. Press each of the squares into an ungreased mini muffin tin, folding the edges over as needed to make a cup.
  4. Fill each of the cups with the pumpkin mixture. Transfer to the oven and bake until the cups are golden brown and the filling is set, about 20 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes.
  5. Serve topped with whipped cream.