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Less is More

October 30, 2011
  • less facebook friends is better...because you're friends with the people that really matter in your life.
  • less music is better...because then you'll only listen to the stuff you really like and you get rid of music that may be inappropriate
  • less food is better...because you don't fat
  • less homework is better...because you have more free time
These are the conclusions I've come to today

I Love to See the Temple

October 29, 2011
I just wanted to share a little snippet from my journal...
"There is such an amazing spirit here and I love how close it is so I can come at any time. It's a beautiful fall day. The sun is shining, there are falling leaves, and it's not too cold. it feels so peaceful and it's so easy to forget the cares of the world. You feel like time stops and that nothing else matter because you know you're in the right place. Being at the temple allows you to have an eternal perspective and to remember what's really important." Sounds like a perfect day, does it not?

Trick Or Treat

October 21, 2011
I love fall time and even though I'm not into the whole scary part of Halloween, there's so many cute things you can do at this time! For example, a pumpkin carving party!

To Start, we went to the pumpkin patch.

It was Keza's first time at the pumpkin patch and she was SO excited! We took lots of pictures to document this exciting event :)  

Then we carved the pumpkins. We all took different roles...
Keza liked to stab her pumpkin. She kind of looks like a murderer haha!

Jordan had the "peasant" job of picking out the seeds from the goop

Philip tried to eat his pumpkin...

And I was concentrating VERY hard. It was difficult!

This actually made me miss my dad a lot. He has always helped me carve my pumpkins ever since I can remember. 

And you can't have a party without treats!
Who needs more than caramel corn, Halloween cake, dirt n' worms, and root bear floats. Plus caramel apple succors and candy corn! Good stuff!

Then we took pictures and were very resourceful by using a damp paper towel center and birthday candles.
what a good lookin' group!

check out those teeth!

And to finish it all off...a hilarious, halloweeny video with an all-star cast ;)

Hot N Cold

October 16, 2011
This is the song that comes to mind when I think of this crazy weather we've been having here. Two weeks ago it snowed and it was absolutely freezing! Everyone was getting out their winter wear and it just came a lot sooner than expected. But then guess what? The next week it was totally summer-ish again. Like upper 70s and 80s. What is this? Weather just make up your mind! So now it feels more like fall again but I think we can plan on some pretty cold weather in the near future...Yikes!

Happy Birthday to....ME!!!

October 7, 2011
What a fun birthday weekend! Definitely a perk of having a fall birthday is all the excitement that comes with general conference. I started the weekend with an amazing football game on friday night. Go BYU! Then watched batman and made cookies. The next morning while watching conference I made homemade cinnamon rolls....mmm, mmm, good! The afternoon session I watched with my friends Greta and Emily. I think my favorite session was Saturday morning. But of course all the talks are so great. I am going to try really hard to apply their teachings into my life to be more righteous and prepare for what's to come. Saturday night, Greta and I drove up to Salt Lake to stay with my cousins, Alecia and Brittany. They made us dinner and had a little birthday party for me :) It was so nice and thoughful! We played 5 crowns and just talked. It was so nice to spend time with them. I feel like I've never really talked to them that much because they are older and I usually only see them at grandma's when we're with everyone else.

Sunday morning Greta and I woke up super early after not getting that much sleep haha and drove to conference! I absolutely love being in the Conference Center. There is such an amazing spirit there and it's so fun to be in the same room as the prophet and all the apostles. It was also fun to be with Uncle Don and Aunt Marci and Ben and Tim. They of course have fun puzzles to play with and thinking games haha! We went back to Alecia and Brittany's and watched the second session and did homework and then headed back to Temple Square to see the Pearsons and to take pictures at the temple. Temple Square is one of my most favorite places and it's so nice to be so close to it now!

Oh but the weekend doesn't end there. After getting home and being completely exhausted my friends decide to inform me that they're "kidnapping" me at 12:01 when it's officially my birthday and taking me to In N Out. At approximately 12:01 I hear a knock at my door and open it to find Greta, Keza, Chloe, and Emily there with streamers, balloons, and straw noise makers haha! We then went to the car. I opened the door and was a little shocked to find someone in there! It scared me haha but they want Aaron to be a surprise. So being squished against the door and Aaron we made our way there. It was very tasty and Emily decided to get on the table and announce to the whole restaurant that it was my birthday and everyone sang to me. Kind of embarassing haha but it was fun! 

The next morning I wake up kind of stressed about life. But as the day went on it got a lot better and I had a great day. I went and got myself dinner at my favorite place, Zupas, went to Jamba Juice to get the Pumpkin Smash smoothie (you must try it!), and a cupcake at the Cocoa Bean. Sounds like a fabulous meal to me :) I then went and played Conference Jeopardy for FHE and spent time with my friend Jordan and skyped my family :) Being old didn't turn out to be that bad! I look forward to this coming year and all it has in store.