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Hello and Welcome!

I'm Mary and this is my husband Bryan.

We met our freshman year of college and were just married in December 2017.

Bryan: graduated from Brigham Young University in 2017, working as a seminary teacher and got hired full-time in January. He loves BYU basketball, waking up early, putting peanut butter on everything, and convincing me to get a dog.

Mary: graduated from Brigham Young University in 2017 and teaches third grade. She loves playing the piano, sleeping in, reading, eating ice cream with everything, and warm weather.

Together: we love to watch movies, travel, spending time with friends + family, going to BYU sporting events, and adventure through life together!

This space is my creative outlet! I love putting my thoughts on paper and sharing the things that make me happy! It's the perfect place to document our life together.

I hope you'll feel inspired to live your own adventure and to make a difference in the lives of those around you while you're here!

1 comment on "ABOUT"
  1. Thank you for sharing your story and life with us. You are both an inspiration to us all. Looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you two.
