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December 18, 2012
Welcome to Washington:
greener than ever and pouring down rain...

so excited to be home!

Teaching: No Greater Call

December 17, 2012
I was sitting in the McKay building taking my foundations of education final at 7 pm, way too late to be taking a final if you ask me. Especially if you had just sat through 30 final presentations for a different class right before it. I was watching my teacher interact with the other students in my class as they turned in their test. He shook each one of their hands and had a big smile on his face. He knew all our names and seemed so interested in our future and what we would become. He made sure that all of us would stop by his office next semester to chat and always say hello when we pass in the hallway. One of my other professors was the same way. She told us what great teachers we were going to be and how much she enjoyed the discussions we had in class and the opportunity to get to know us better.

And that's what made me think about what an amazing opportunity I have to be in this program. Being taught by teachers, how to be a teacher. That is unique in and of itself because other students are taught by professors about a certain subject or how to do a certain trade, but not how to teach.

I spent so much time this semester reflecting on how I was going to be that teacher that loved and cared about each student regardless of their circumstances and how everyone would have the potential to be successful. And yet, at times I was that student that didn't want to participate in class or was scared to approach the teacher. I thought that I could slip under the radar and they would never know who I was. But I thought wrong. That might have been possible in a general ed class of hundreds of students, but not in a small class of 30. My teachers knew my name, they commented on my work, they cared about me individually. It's their job to help and they gladly do it.

So even though I had a great semester, essentially I realized I could have done more. But ultimately, I got to see firsthand where both the teacher and student are coming from in a classroom and I think this really allowed me to understand. It changed the way I viewed my education and from here on out, I can't wait to be in these smaller settings where the teachers are there for me. Where I can fully take charrge of my own education and be the successful student by having those personal relationships with my teachers.

There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters

December 10, 2012
It has been a blast having Kenzie here this semester. We have had so much fun together and I'm pretty sure Heritage Halls is more of a home to her than Wolverine Crossing haha! So many fun memories and I'm so glad she's loving her school and having a great start to her college career!

Rockin' the footie pajamas! :)

Kickoff to Christmas

I was so excited to go up to Salt Lake for the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. It's like all of my favorite things put together...the Gospel, Christmas, and Temple Square :) Oh and my grandma! She's serving her mission up there and she got us tickets. It was so fun to see her after almost a year. She's even been to Germany and back! I loved hearing from the First Presidency and being in the Conference Center. MoTab sounded amazing! It was wonderful to walk through Temple Square afterwards. All the beautiful lights, the Nativity scene, the Christus, and my favorite temple. Absolutely gorgeous. Plus friends and family! Right when we were about to leave, it started POURING down rain! Like raining cats and dogs plus hail! Crazy stuff! It was a blast and a wonderful start to this Christmas season :)
love you grandma! thanks so much for letting us come up!

crackin' up! love these friends!

sisters :)

Thanks Secret Santa!

December 4, 2012

'Tis The Season

December 3, 2012

Egg nog and sparkly nails. Christmas is here :)