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July 29, 2016
Every year Mitch's family goes to his dad's boyhood home in St. Anthony, Idaho. I loved how excited he was to go because of all the memories that place holds. Aren't those the best? The places that maybe aren't glamorous or well-known, but they are so special because of the things you've done there and the traditions you have with your family.

 On Saturday, I got to see my family too! My parents were in town dropping Jacob off at BYU-Idaho so we met them to go to the temple but it was closed because well....Pioneer Day! haha! They take it VERY seriously up here. So instead we just met for lunch. It was so good to see them!

Jacob then got to join us that night for the Pioneer Day Rodeo. We had gone to the parade that morning and it was actually pretty fun! Seeing those Jergensen boys get just as excited or more about the candy than the kids was pretty entertaining. This was my second rodeo this summer so I basically feel like a pro now. I can't believe my little brother is old enough to be in college. In my head he's still like 12. But I had a blast hanging out with him.

Isn't he cute?!

Look at these cute cousins hugging. This is the first time Mitch's family has all been together in 2 years and 3 little girls were added to the family! 

 This is the backyard of the house. It is right on the Snake River. Isn't it gorgeous?
 Mitch caught Hudson just taking in the view and then he got a smile out of him. 

I literally could've floated down the river all day, every day and been completely content. Being on the water is my kind of paradise. 

The rest of the weekend we went to Falls Drug and got shakes, we played games (family minute to win it games were hilarious!), Mitch and I beat almost everyone in cornhole, we went to see his Uncle's farm, I met most of his dad's siblings, and we went bridge jumping!

last day of school

July 26, 2016
It's still kind of surreal, but I finished my very last undergrad class at BYU. It has been an INSANE spring/summer. Lots of blood, sweat, and tears. Literally. But it's been good. I like being busy. Even though the stress was a bit much, I DID IT.

My semester was a little bit unique because it was a continuous spring/summer, not individual terms. I was taking 18 credits during spring because I had to finish my last TELL class and then it dropped to 16 for the rest of the summer. On top of class, during the month of May we had to finish our second practicum where I was teaching 3rd grade at the school I teach at now. And then the rest of the summer we had to set up our own classrooms. It was crazy.

I've been reflecting a lot on my experience at BYU over the past 4 years. It has been amazing. I have been involved with a lot of different things, met some amazing people, enjoyed almost all of my classes, and have grown in so many ways. BYU is an incredible place to be. It is unlike any other place on earth. We have the unique opportunity to gain a secular and spiritual education. I will cherish all those lessons where we got to connect the gospel to teaching, or science, or human development, or stats. There really are connections everywhere you look. I have spent countless hours on that campus taking in the beauty of it all. It truly was everything I could ask for. I'll probably do a post on BYU itself later on, but today called for a celebration. It feels great to be done. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me the next nine months, but I am so excited to be in my very own classroom!!


wednesday thursday friday

July 23, 2016
I don't know why I always try to pack it all in, but just the fact that it always works out and miraculously everything always gets done is evidence to me that I'm not the one in charge here. There's no way I could do it on my own. 

This week was no different. We worked hard and played hard.

Can you believe this?? Pokemon Go is taking over the world. But I feel like it's especially bad in Provo. We got a bunch of nerds over here. The Provo Library was like a stopping point of some sort and it didn't matter what time of day it was, whenever we drove by there were always HUNDREDS of people there. Craziness. Thanks for the friendly reminder freeway...

We sure love this little boy! We got to help Kenzie babysit this week while she was in class and it was so fun! Even the car ride to dance with the girls was fun. 'CUTIE HEADS" as Kenz would say.

 Thursday night we went boating with the Grows and some of our great friends. It was a blast. Utah Lake has been taken over by algae so we went up to Deer Creek Reservoir which was GORGEOUS. I love everything about being on a boat. It was a wonderful evening.

Friday night we went to the Salt Lake Bees game with one of Mitch's best friends from home and his wife. It was a beautiful summer night and they played the Tacoma Rainiers which was a fun piece of home! The stadium is just right downtown in Salt Lake and it is a super nice field! I was a fan! Afterwards it was complete with a fireworks show set to the soundtrack from Star Wars. 
Rainiers win!

4th of july

July 5, 2016
Once again, my favorite holiday proved do be nothing short of amazing. As tradition requires, we went to Stadium of Fire with the family. It was on the 2nd this year so we still had the rest of the weekend to celebrate!

Tim McGraw did amazing! That is a fine country man. He's a classic so it was awesome to have him there. The rest of the show was just pretty average. I mean, they can't outdo themselves EVERY year right? But I still loved every minute of being there, celebrating America, listening to good music, and enjoying an incredible firework show. As always.

Thanks grandma!!

Sunday, Mitch walked into my apartment and then said Mar! I need you to come out in the hallway with me for a minute. We walked down the hallway and then he took me to a window where I saw this.

The window doesn't quite do it justice. But it was one of the most BEAUTIFUL sunsets! 

On Monday we had a BBQ with friends! It was a blast. Here is the master griller. 

My cute roommates :) minus Kenz

That night I had to work. boooo. But Mitch came up so we could complete our celebration of the 4th with sparklers and pop-its!! 

 This is my happy. I'm grateful for this country, for the stars and stripes, 
and for a beautiful holiday to remember how it all began!