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tender mercy

February 19, 2015
You know those weeks where you feel like Heavenly Father just isn't aware of you and then as soon as you even think that thought, he just goes and shows you that He's still there?

I like to call them tender mercies. They've kind of become something I look for in life. He really is involved in the details of our lives.

Today is Wednesday. Wednesday are long. It starts off with a three hour class that starts at 8 am. Not like I'm ever ready to wake up and be ready that early, but today I was especially not ready. But with my messy bun and yoga pants, I headed off to class at 7:50. I couldn't have imagined a better way to start off my day. I decided to leave my phone at home today, and for those three hours, I was completely engaged. Not just sitting there passively listening, but really involved and absorbing each and every word with pen in hand.

We had some guest speakers. They talked to us about the power of morning meetings. An approach to start off the morning by creating a classroom of unity, getting students involved, making them feel safe, and incorporating some curriculum. It's based off of a responsive classroom. The benefits are u n b e l i e v a b l e.

But the logistics aren't that important.

Because as I sat there, my life changed. I had a reconfirmation that teaching is what I truly want to do. That, in and of itself is a huge blessing! It has allowed me to be driven and to know exactly what I want and to plan my education accordingly.

Using the skills that I am not only learning in school, but also from my job, to build communities and strengthen relationships makes me so excited! I can't wait to have a classroom where we can all trust each other. Where we can talk openly, where we have fun, are excited about learning, and where we use our conversations to facilitate our learning. It's going to be the best!

One of the speakers was just one of those people that everyone loves. She is just so real and she is hilarious and a good storyteller and is just so down to earth but you know that she knows she's awesome haha! Mostly she is just so passionate about what she does, because she knows it works and she sees the benefits of it and that is exactly what motivates people.

I can't wait to have experiences to share like she does and to be successful and to really make a difference in the lives of these students. She talked about how on the last day of school, when the bell rings and everyone else is running out into the halls and screaming and so excited for summer, her class just sits there. They are so sad to leave because of the community they've built and the lessons they've learned. Of course, it's important to continue to progress and move on to do good in other places, but I think that silence says a lot about the impact that the year had on each student.

When you have structure and then make the program your own, that's when the magic happens. There is a certain spirit that can enter a classroom and it is noticeable to anyone that walks through those doors. That is something to strive for.

Today, I laughed, I cried, I reflected, I got excited. I walked away feeling renewed and energized.

I'm looking forward to having my own classroom in just a year and a half. I can't wait to live my passion. I'm excited to keep learning about how to be the best that I can be and practice developing the skills that I'll need to be successful.

It might seem like something small. But in addition to having our homework due date pushed back, not having to worry about not knowing the material for that day (as exciting as theorists in classroom management can be), and just getting to sit back and listen today, it was quite a miracle. Right when I felt like giving up and losing what little motivation I had, Heavenly Father gave me exactly what I needed. A reminder that this is possible. A reminder that He cares. A reminder that He has not forgotten me, but that through the struggles comes growth and maybe even a little humility to recognize the tender mercies that He does bless me with so often.

monday musing #32

February 9, 2015
Hello dear sisters!

I hope life is treating you well and that you are enjoying the time you are spending serving the Lord. 2 years ago I received that lovely white envelope in the mail. My hands were shaking, my heart was beating too fast, and I had to wait a few hours before I could open it. Definitely a trial of my patience! 

Never in a million years would I have guessed that I was going to be serving in ALABAMA. But I can't imagine being anywhere else. So much has happened since that wonderful February day and I think one of the biggest things I've learned is to trust in the Lord's timing.

It's quite simple really. But one of the most difficult things we have to do in this life. 
{Align our will with His. Be patient. Strengthen our faith. Become more like the Savior. Continue to do good things even if it feels like we're not getting answers. Take risks and act on promptings. Act when you know the Lord trusts you to make a decision. Keep your covenants}

As an avid planner and goal setter, the uncertainty that often comes in this life is quite a challenge for me. So much has not gone according to my plan. So many things turned out way differently than I expected them to. And even though it's not what I envisioned, it's ok because there are lessons I've learned and people I've met and testimony-building experiences I've had that remind me of who is actually in charge here. Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever. He knows our potential and He wants us to be happy and He's going to do everything He can to help us get there as long as we are willing to come unto Him. 

So right now, I'm learning to trust in His plan. To be content with the stage of life I'm in and enjoy the journey. Although I don't know what the future holds, I know who holds my future and that gives me the peace I need as I look forward to seeing what He has in store for me.

Keep the faith my dear friends. You are doing a great work. I love you!

fri yay

February 7, 2015
Today was one of the best fridays I've had in a while. Let me just remind you that it was February 6th and 65 degrees.

That obviously deserved a celebration. I started out the morning by doing some homework and going to my violin lesson. I absolutely love taking lessons this semester! It continues to amaze me how much I don't know about my instrument! So that was very productive. And then I came back home and watched a show and cleaned my room.

At noon, I went with Elijah to hike the Y. It's been 3 1/2 years so I figured it was about time that I do it again. I was wrong. But at least it reminded me of how much I don't like it haha! I don't know what the deal is, but there's just something about that hike that is not my friend. Once you get to the top, it's not even bad! But the whole way up, you just want to die. But we did it! And we sat on that spray-painted white concrete on the mountain and looked over the whole valley. It was beautiful. Utah, you're almost as good as WA.

Elijah has almost mastered the selfie. I was just proud of him for actually smiling. It's a struggle sometimes! He even sung a few songs on the way back down. He is always so optimistic!

We came home and made smoothies. A healthy choice. I was thinking about how warm weather totally changes people's moods. There's just a certain feeling in the air that seems to say, "Everything's going to be ok!" "Go adventure, be free" "Count your blessings and be grateful"
It's quite devine. and even though there's a time and place for each season, I am thoroughly ok with the sneak peak of spring.

Next stop of the day was long boarding the canyon with Aaron and Tyler. Pretty sure it's on my bucket list. Definitely thought I was going to die. Mary + long board + speed/turns = no bueno. I like to think I have good balance and control of myself. That is, until you put me on a board with wheels. But I'm brave and courageous and adventuresome, so it needed to happen. Right from the get go, I hopped on the board, tried to go down this little mini hill, totally panicked, lost my balance, was going way too fast, and in a whirlwind of events, I ended up on the ground with a very bruised boo-tay and sore neck. I told the boys right there that I was done and that there was no way I was going to make it 45 min down the canyon. (who in their right mind would do that??) but somehow they convinced me that I was going to be ok and so on our journey we commenced. And it was an absolute BLAST! Seriously, I loved it! There was just something about that freedom and being in nature and that weather and the wind in my face that was liberating. And the boys were so helpful and patient with me!

Moral of the story. Never give up. What may seem impossible or painful at first always ends up being rewarding. You just have to believe in  yourself, have a little faith, and keep going. Today, I'm in a lot of pain. Like as in I've only left my bed a grand total of 3 times the whole day and when I did, I walked around like an old lady. But it was so worth it.

I rushed home after that, showered, and then headed over to the WILK to have dinner with Bryan. Then we went to see Big Hero 6 at the Varsity Theater. Such a good deal. Only $1 tickets! The movie was super cute and hilarious! And yes, Bryan was right, it makes you want to be an inventor and change the world for good! We also got to sit by Jared and Amanda which was fun. Freshman year reunions are always so good. Then off to the other side of campus to get Bryan's car and then to Pizza Factory with all his roommates for Brayden's birthday! They even brought him a pizza in the same of the number 22. It was the coolest. I had never been there before so Bryan and I just split a mini Hawaiian pizza and a couple breadsticks. It was very good! To finish the night off, we went to their apartment and they were just watching youtube videos. We weren't so sure about that so we were just talking and then started playing ticket to ride. I absolutely love that game. And I always win...(most of the time)

It was a jam-packed, fun-filled day! I am so so grateful for my amazing friends and for the quality time we get to spend with each other! Days like this fill you with hope, with joy, and with a sense of fulfillment. Here's to the many more to come!