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fridays are the favorite day

October 17, 2014
I've been reading through old journals recently. It is quite the experience to look back and see what was going on at different points in your life and the feelings you had. Recently I read about love stories, family time, friends from the mish, spring adventures, and lots of random facts. It was so fun to reflect on happy times :)

I hope I never have to go back to having class on Fridays because I just love 3 day weekends waaayyyy too much!

Mostly just because I get to sleep in. Today the day started with a movie with the sis. It's been awhile since I've been to a theater so that was fun! I also just can't get enough of these lovely fall days.

I then made my way to the temple. I am so grateful that I can make a weekly trip with only a 15 min walk. What a blessing! The temple always puts me in a better mood!

The day continued with a brief RA publicity meeting. Sometimes my job can be pretty fun!

Then a great talk with a friend. I love connecting with people on a deeper level and understanding what they're going through and being able to support them. I can't wait for so many of my girlfriends to get home, starting in two weeks!

I ended the day by playing the piano for a long time and then watching a movie while art journaling. Such a chill friday night but sometimes that's just the thing you need :)

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