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eternal promises

September 11, 2015
One week ago today I started my first Old Testament class. 
Of all the things we talked about, the thing that stuck out the most was the idea of eternal promises. As we are starting with Genesis, the example we used is that of Abraham and Sarah. 

What were they promised?

Promised Land

Now, they were really old when they received these promises and they've been gone for thousands of years now, but have these promises been fulfilled? NO! They are still waiting. 

Which reminds me of a quote.

The truth of the matter is we live in a fallen world. 
We experience trials and tribulations
and some things just aren't fair. 
all we have to do is trust in the Lord
oh, and be patient
wait longer than 5 minutes!
because hey, Abraham is still waiting up there in heaven

I know that as we increase our faith in Christ and embrace the gospel, as elder holland says, that we will have more patience and confidence in remaining worthy of those blessings and believing that they will be realized in the Lord's own way and timing.

1 comment on "eternal promises"
  1. That was beautiful!! Thanks for your insight Mary!!! I miss you :/
