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The Happiness Challenge: Optimism

November 4, 2014
Today is the first day of the BYU Women's Services happiness challenge. I thought it would be a fun experience and hopefully make a difference in my life! Feel free to join along. You can find their website here.Day one is optimism.

Optimism Challenge: Choose to See the Good!

  • Maintaining optimism is easier when you feel healthy. Lack of sleep, depleted energy from poor eating habits, and too little exercise are all factors that interfere with one's ability to moderate moods and positive energy. Evaluate your sleep, eating, and exercise habits. Do you have some quiet time? How do you relieve stress? Do you get in some vigorous exercise? Implement a healthy habit today.
  • Imagine your life in one, five, ten, fifty years. What does it look like? Or rather, what do you want it to look like? Figure out what you have to do to get there, and write those down as goals. Pull out your goals from time to time to make sure you are on course.
  • Whenever you catch yourself focusing on a problem, experiencing negativity. or feeling self-doubt, ask yourself this question: What's one thing I can do differently that could make this situation better? This technique replaces a problem-focused thought with solution-focused thinking.

I chose the first one. I have been really trying to get more sleep and it feels wonderful! Glad things are kind of slowing down in my semester and that I can make more time to sleep well! I also have made a goal to do some sort of exercise 3 times a week in addition to all the walking I do! I think it's especially important to stay healthy during this time of the year when we both eat a lot of unhealthy things or feel like it's too cold outside to be active. 
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