Top Social

January 30, 2012
So these questionnaires have been going around on blogs and I thought it would be fun to answer some of these questions! 
~If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? Rome
~What was your favourite Saturday Morning Cartoon? Arthur
~Snow or Sand? Why? Sand because it reminds me of summer and warmth and relaxation
~One word you constantly say? um...
~What's one thing that made you smile today? My physical science teacher, he's hilarious
~Favorite quote? “When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities.” -Ezra Taft Benson
~Why do you blog? To express my feelings and talk about what goes on in my everyday world here at college. Also to get away from facebook!
~Future? Excited or Nervous? Both! Excited because I know there's so much ahead, Nervous because I don't know what's going to happen
~Best date you went on/planned? Ferry ride to Vashon Island and back, and Frisco Freeze!
~A day that will go down in history in your books? Graduating from college!
~Your hero? my mother
~Favorite Food? pasta
~Your favorite place you've traveled to? Too many to choose from. England, Paris, Seaside, Disney World
~Your favorite 'era' (ex: 1920's, 50's) and why...Whenever Pride and Prejudice was written. Love the language, the clothing, the simple lives, how everyone was proper and acted like ladies and gentleman
~Your favorite Disney movie? I love them all but my favorite princess is Cinderella
~The one thing you can't live without is __books_____. 
~Where you see yourself in 10 years? Married with a family
~Early Bird or Night Owl? Night owl for sure
~If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? the East Coast, probably Boston
~Favorite book? I've never not liked a book I read..
~Favorite restaurant? Zuppa's
~Favorite time of year & why...I love all the seasons for different reasons but probably fall. I love the crisp air, going back to school, football games, sunshine, changing leaves 
~The last time you smiled and the reason...I smile ALL the time!
~What was your favorite thing that happened today? One of my classes got cancelled!
~What did you always want to be 'when you grew up? Elementary School Teacher, that's still what I want to be!
~How would you describe love in one sentence? Love is choosing the highest good for the other person
~What is your favourite colour of nail polish? I'm not a big fan of nail polish but I think I'm a pink kinda girl
~What is your favourite band or artist? Right now I always have Elephant Song Medley from Moulin Rouge and I See the Light from Tangled stuck in my head!
~Short or Long Hair? Why? Long hair, because you can do more with it and I'm jealous of all the people who have thick hair and it looks so gorgeous!
~How Many Kids do you want? 5
~What is the ideal date? I think it depends on who you're with and not what you do
~What Is your Dream Car? Volkswagen Jetta
~What is the last thing you said aloud? Somebody asked me how I was and I said good!
~What is your favorite tv show? why? Once Upon a Time, it's clean and super cute and I love Disney!
~Do you have a new years resolution? what is it? Drink more water
~If you could go back in time, where would you go? Colonial America
~If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? a princess at Disneyland
~Who inspires you? the prophet, Thomas S. Monson
~What makes you happy? my wonderful friends, family, and choosing the right

Hopefully you got to know me a little bit better and understand why I love life!
2 comments on " "
  1. This was such a fun read! Let's get a fun group together and go to ROME! I will translate. :)
    You are a very thoughtful lady. I am so impressed by how much you love the things that matter most.

  2. I wish you could "like" comments like you can on facebook haha! let's go when the temple is being dedicated! it would be so much fun! and thanks, you're the sweetest :)
