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"Back Home"

January 10, 2012
Although Provo will never compare to U.P., I've found a home away from home in Heritage Halls. I've only been back a week but it's already night and day difference. I love being so close to campus, I love having a roommate I can talk to, I love being with freshman, I love having my best friend Emily so close and I love new starts. I'm really glad I made this move and I look forward to the rest of the semester and all the things I'll get to do and people I'll get to meet.

I've already met a ton of people. And it can be really difficult to try and remember everyone's names. But I've been trying really hard. I often find myself meeting people and not really paying attention when they say their name, thinking oh I won't really talk to them again or it doesn't really matter, but it does! It's such a big deal and I've definitely improved on my name remembering skills. Brother Smith told me today that it is so important and that it really helps you make connections with people and lays a foundation for communication and relationships with people. And it's so true! He also told us in class that the Lord is really interested in names so we should be too. Think about it...
-We receive a name and a blessing when we are first born
-In the record of the First Vision, Joseph says, " One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other - This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"
-And I know there's several other examples in the scriptures!

This semester I'm taking some great classes...mostly GE's and after this semester I'll be done with them. Yay! I'm turning in my application for the Elementary Education program tomorrow and I'll get to start in the Fall. I'm cramming a lot in but that's kind of how my whole life has been. I always want to do everything I can and I'm definitely determined to do it! The plan is to graduate on time (April 2015) with the El Ed major and double minor with the required TESOL and also Music which I'm really excited about. I also hope to study abroad next spring in London and when the times comes and it works out, I would love to serve a mission!
I love having a plan and I'm really excited to continue in this journey!

So the classes I'm taking...
-History 201 - World Civilizations to 1500, It should be an interesting class. Probably not going to be my favorite but I've always enjoyed history so it can't be that bad. Plus I'm pretty sure I learned some of this stuff in like 6th grade
-History of Creativity 202 - From 1500 to present, I really enjoy this class so far. I definitely don't think of myself as the most creative person and we have to do this creative project at the end of the semester and I have no idea what I'm going to do! I'm not a big fan of open-ended projects. I like being told what to do. Anyways, right now we're learning about Florence and Rome which really makes me want to visit Italy! There are so many amazing pieces of art there and the history is fascinating. Our teacher always tells us the best places to go, how to get there, which hotels to stay at and everything. One guy I sat next to said that he felt like he was in a travel agency haha!
-Physical Science 100 - not a big fan of science but I don't think it's going to be that hard and I love my teacher! He's really funny and he's from Belgium so he has an accent. It's great. I also think one of my favorite parts of the week is going to be my lab on Thursdays. My TA is hilarious and she loves what she does! It can't get better than that. I love people that can make me laugh and when someone loves what they do that automatically helps them be a better teacher/mentor.
-Music 190 - Music Fundamentals, Might be really easy but my teacher is really funny and knows what he's talking about. This is the first class I'm taking for my music minor and the coolest part about it is you can take an exemption exam and if you pass it then you can get the class waived which means more credits and I can fit in another class!
-New Testament - The Gospels, I'm really excited about this class! Religion classes have been my highlight at BYU so far. I think because I've learned so much and I've done really well in them! I've had two great teachers and I look forward to another semester with Brother Smith and learning more about the life of Christ.
-Music 321R - Orchestra! I've really missed having music be such a big part of my life and I can't wait to play again! It's going to be pretty simple. We're even playing some of the songs I played in high school but I know it will be a great experience to play in an orchestra again!

The other day I was writing in my journal all the things I love about BYU and a lot of them were church-related things but I think that's good. It's definitely having a positive impact in my life and I'm grateful for all my spiritual growth. I mostly excited about continuing my tradition of going to the temple and devotional every week. They have both been a great experience and truly make my week. Something to look forward to that takes away from the stress of school and everything else!
2 comments on ""Back Home""
  1. Hi Mary,
    This is a wonderful post! I hope you don't mind me stopping by to say hi.
    I hope you will be able to serve a mission too. You would be a wonderful missionary!
    Whatever you do, you will do it well!
    Thanks for being such a great friend to Miss Em! It is so nice for me to know that she has awesome friends like you and Greta. And now you are living so close again! Awesome!

  2. Thanks so much! You are so sweet! I'm really glad I have had the chance to be around your family a little bit. You guys are amazing and so much fun!
