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January 24, 2012
I wish I was a more eloquent writer. Some people are just so talented and can really express their mind and make sense. I am definitely not one of those people. I've read so many books, articles, and quotes throughout my life and I've come to understand that the written word is a way for people to really connect. There's nothing that compares with reading something that just makes sense. Like the author is speaking directly to you. I guess the only way to acquire this skill is to practice. Maybe someday I will become the type of writer that I so long to be. I always have so many thoughts running through my head and everything I say comes from the heart but it often doesn't come out the way I want it to.
1 comment on " "
  1. I love how you write. I love that you are candid.
    I also love the look of your blog! And your new banner! So fun!
