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seder dinner

October 22, 2015
Seder is the annual Passover Feast. Even though it takes place in the spring, we got to do one of our own! I love all of the wonderful people here!

This is the committee that I was on so we spent all afternoon setting up for it. We set all the tables, folded all the napkins, put the napkin rings on, and decorated!

We also had a huge sing along that I had done a lot of work on so it was fun to see it all come together! Our little table was the BEST! I couldn't have asked for better people to share this night with!

And this cute little boy completely stole the show! He is our professor's son and he is absolutely ADORABLE! and he LOVED to take pictures! We're so glad he could join us tonight!

The whole event was similar to what we would maybe do on Christmas eve. The story we read is all about Moses and bringing the people to the Promised Land. Everything is very symbolic and just like we would sing Christmas carols, they sing songs about deliverance and about these Old Testament times. It was so fun to experience a little bit of Jewish culture!

1 comment on "seder dinner"
  1. omigosh, mary....i just spent a wonderful hour reading all your blog entries! holy cow...what an experience you are having where you are. man...just a little bit envious i am sitting here thinking how fabulous it is there. beautiful pictures, as well as the text of all you are doing. unforgettable. unimaginable. crazy fabulous! thank you for this. i have you in every single one of my prayers, my sweet girlie. i can only imagine that beautiful christmas celebration there in the heart of where it all began. wish i could hear all the inspiring music you will perform. i think you are going to have a hard time coming home...adjusting to the real world when you've just been nearer to heaven than anywhere else on earth. i love you. bring me back a rock will you? and try, if you can, to find yourself one of those little clay hand lamps...they are literally everywhere and for a song. they will remind you to be wise and also remind you of your trip. i have one that alexis brought back to me and it is my treasure. another thing you should alabaster bowl--it does not have to be a big one. you will not regret having that. mine broke, sadly, but a candle in those things looks amazing. something made with olive wood...a creche figure perhaps...would be another great thing to have. tiny treasures but of significant worth. i love you. and i am so grateful for the experience you are having. it has obviously changed your life and will continue to change it because you've walked and sat and played and sang in all those places where the savior was. wow. jennifer farnes
