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monday musing #13

August 25, 2014

Sorry things have been so crazy lately! I have like a billion letters to write and have had zero time to do anything this week. Mostly because my time was consumed with RA training round three and being with my cute family.

This week I have learned so much about s e r v i c e. What a beautiful thing. The residence life mission statement of BYU is "enabling individuals to live, learn, work, and grow in gospel-centered communities." 

Sounds like a mini-mission, huh. 

So that's what I'm taking upon myself. The opportunity to really lose myself in the service of these girls. I know, it's a little crazy. I'm 4-5 years older than them and I live with them 24/7. 


they need:
-a role model
-a friend
-someone who... checks their cleaning, gives them resources on campus, gets them involved, helps them solve their problems
-a cheerleader 
-a confidant 

I need:
-to find myself

It's a win-win situation. 

As you well know, serving others allows us to be blessed. In the end, we are the ones that change. Yes, you will influence others along the way, but really, the reward is yours. Crazy how that works. 

And to end this lovely email,
a quote.

"By becoming the answer to someone's PRAYER, 
we often find the answer to our own."
--Dieter F. Uchtdorf

So just do it. Forget about yourself. Don't let your own woes and problems get in the way of you loving someone. We all need help in this life and right now you get to devote all energy to a single cause. Serving our Father's children. I have faith in you. I support you. I love you.

Make it a great week!
♥ mary

food for the next 4 months of my life. LOVE Costco.

This cute boy went through the temple and I'm so glad I got to be there #families are forever

My door tags! Are you anchored in Christ??

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