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monday musing #11

August 11, 2014

Upcoming this week...
finals, checkout, and moving. oh my!

It's basically one of those weeks as a college student that before it begins, you already want it to be over haha!

This past week though definitely had its ups and downs, but I definitely learned a lot. The thought I would like to share today is about having a positive attitude. It can really change your whole world. 

Wednesday was one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong. I had gotten reminded about the importance of having a positive attitude the night before and it seemed that Heavenly Father just wanted to give me a reason to put it into practice. (I'm sure I'll thank him later)

After fighting back tears and having some less desirable conversations, I ended the day with some venting. And realized with the help of some awesome friends that:
-sometimes things aren't as bad as they seem 
-sometimes we just have to take things one step at a time 
-worrying about things doesn't help the problem 
-make your priority lists!
-good friends are just the best
-the gospel brings so much peace into our lives

"A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you." -Joyce Meyer

"So much in life depends on our attitude. They way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference." -President Monson

That's my two cents. It literally turns your world upside down and you can see things completely differently with a good attitude. It's not always easy and you might not be able to do it right away. But especially after a good night's sleep, things always seem to be much better Ü

What a beautiful world we have to live in! What amazing blessings the Lord has given us! What a privilege to know so many wonderful people. 

I am grateful for agency. For the ability to choose to be happy. To choose to have a positive attitude. And to choose the direction my life will take.

One last quote.

"Often it's not who you are, but who you think you're not that holds you back" 

Be confident! Remember who you are! Believe that you can achieve! Focus on the good! 

Ok, that's my little pep talk for the week. I love you all dearly and wish the best for you this week. Go be awesome!

Sister Blackner

It's true! Keep moving forward!

Hermana Isaak's homecoming
Made me miss BAMA soooo much!
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