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monday musing #9

July 29, 2014
Summer lovin' 
havin' a blast

This week has been soooo crazy busy and good! Can't say enough good things. But to start: let me just say there's no place like home

I will never stop falling in love with it. And this 78 degree weather is a heck of a lot better than the 99 degree weather I was experiencing in Utah. Except ironically i didn't get burnt until I came up here. And when I say I got some sun, I really mean I got fried.

The thought I wanted to share with you this week comes from a scripture we studied in my Doctrine and Covenants class. It is mentioned several times in the scriptures, but at this point, Joseph Smith is in Liberty Jail and the Lord says in section 122 if [insert lots and lots of awful, horrible things] happen to you, 
"know thou, my son (or daughter) that these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good

I don't want to focus on all the bad things that could hypothetically happen, but more on the experiences we have and how they really do impact our lives. Being home this weekend has allowed me to see what's really important to me and how there truly is no greater place on earth. I really just want to recruit everyone to come live up here because quite simply, it's the best! 

And if those bad things are happening, just remember that you are supposed to be learning something from it. Remember that Heavenly Father is always there for you and is allowing this to happen to you, not because he doesn't love you, but precisely because he does love you. When these troubling times come, remember you can always find safety and comfort in "home". In close friends, in the gospel, in nature, in your family, in your companion, in the temple, in prayer. Whatever sense of home you can find, grasp it and hold it tight, never letting go, because that could be the only thing that gets you through. 

Yes, we all need to get out of our comfort zones and safety places so we can learn and grow, but sometimes it makes all the difference in the world when you have something stable and steady to rely on.

I hope y'all had a great week and that you are making the most of every day this beautiful summer. Thank you for your examples and for serving the Lord all around the world. What a huge blessing to yourselves, your families, and this church. I know it is true.

'Til next week!
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