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monday musing #8

July 20, 2014
Amongst all the crazy, busy, exciting events of this week, the most important was probably attending the temple. 

<<It was hump day>> 
aka Wednesday. 
My alarm went off at 6:30, I threw on a dress, brushed my teeth, grabbed my stuff, and starting walking to the temple at approximately 6:45. Made it there, dressed and ready to go for the 7:20 session. 

En route to the temple, it was a gorgeous morning. Birds were chirping, the sun was shining, the temperature was just right, the mountains were glorious, I ran into one too many missionaries, and I was simply loving life. While in haste though, because I was on a tight schedule.

Another new video came out this week on tuesday so basically I was one of the first people in the world to see it :) Lucky me. It was the first time I ever attended the temple by myself since I've been endowed and it was just one of the greatest experiences. I felt really grown up, which was weird. I loved being in the celestial room, feeling so much peace and having the opportunity to talk to my Heavenly Father. I really felt like I was taking a step out of the world where time stands still. 

Even though I had to rush back to make it to class on time, I felt like I was on cloud nine. If there is any way to start your day, it is most definitely by going to the temple. I don't know what it was, but I was just so happy. I felt like I could take on the world, I said hello to everyone I saw, I couldn't stop smiling, life was just so good and I felt like I was embracing it. Lemme tell ya, the spirit does amazing things for you. I guess I felt a little uneasy about some things and when I prayed in that celestial room, I really needed to feel some comfort from Heavenly Father and get some direction. 

Well, I didn't get my specific answers yet, but I did feel of His love. I did feel like everything was going to be ok. And I did feel like I was extremely blessed for so many different things in my life. 

I know this probably wasn't the most exciting email, but I hope that you can get some take away from it. Think about your covenants. Think about how much Heavenly Father loves you and is supporting you. Think about peace and how we can obtain it in this crazy world that is so far from every definition of the word. 

Have a fabulous week and don't give up! There are good things to come :)

Meet my friends Fred and Bucky. I assembled them myself :)

My little brother got his mission call!!! Peru Iquitos Mission reports Dec 2 
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