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monday musing #6

July 7, 2014

Hi :)

Well, I really wish I were still sleeping right now, but I decided that instead of staying up late after work to email y'all, that I would just get up when my alarm goes off. I tell people almost every day how much I love the mission schedule. 10:30 bedtime is prime and I miss it so much!

OOOOOOKK! We'll start things off on a good note. The 4th of July was a success! It was such a blast and I just loved every minute of it! Let freedom ring :) What did y'all do for the 4th? 

Meet Bryan. One of the most amazing guys I know. 
And look at my awesome bulletin board!

So my thought this week goes from all the awesome conversations I had about the Spirit this week, in classes, at church, and with friends.  Is it safe to say that every good thought comes from the Spirit? 

A conversation that Bryan and I had last week went along with this. We were talking about my goals and he asked if I felt like it was easier to follow the promptings of the Spirit on my mission and I was like, "yeah!" And he said it's because you're focusing on it and you know that good things happen when you do follow them. 

So here, at school, you could get "a feeling" that you should go to bed, but then someone might text you and then it's easy to just stay up all night talking to them. Or you might get "a feeling" to read your scriptures, but then you just think "I'll do it later" and then you put it off! And then you just ignored the S. And it makes it more difficult to heed its counsel the next time. 

He reminded me of Elder Perry's talk from this past April's General Conference and it's SO good!

Here's the link, if you have time to read it!

So what I'm working on this week is being more diligent about my plans and the things I need to get accomplished. Listening to the Spirit and really allowing Heavenly Father to direct my path. I encourage y'all to do it too! Our goals and our planning are so important and we shouldn't let other distractions get in the way of that! So good luck to each of you this week as you go out and bless the lives of others in your respective areas. I know that the Lord is waiting to guide each and every one of our steps, if only we just give our hearts to Him. 

I love you all so much and also just wanted to let you know how awesome your moms are. Like seriously. I have just felt so much love from each of them and it seriously amazes me how I got lucky enough to not only have such fantastic best friends, but also that their families are so great as well! 

love you muchisimo!
Hermana Blackner
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