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September 16, 2012
What a wonderful weekend! Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to the Brigham City temple open house. It is absolutely gorgeous! I loved every minute of it. The only other open house I've been to was the Columbia River temple and I was little so I don't remember it very much. Anyways, this temple has beautiful artwork, chandeliers, and mirrors. The spirit is so strong and there is no way that you can go to a place like that and deny that it is of God. I look forward to the day when I will have the opportunity to be sealed in the temple and return to it frequently. I absolutely love temples and the peace that they bring in a world that is so full of noise and confusion.

I love all the friends I've made in my new ward and this was a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better. We spent 4 hours going there and back on a school bus and we passed the time by playing mind games, I have never, planning fhe activities, talking about dating, school, and about the wonderful church we belong to.

Today we had a regional conference that was broadcast to 149 stakes in Utah County, 15 of which were actually in the Marriott Center. We had the pleasure of hearing from two members of the seventy, the General Primary President, the matron of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple, and Elder and Sister Oaks. They spoke about so many great topics that hit home. Remember who you are, temple work, having the spirit in our homes, trusting in God's timing and having faith, don't get discouraged when you're doing what's right. I also had a confirmation that our Prophet is called of God and about so many of his attributes as he leads a Christlike life. I've been reading his biography and it is fabulous! I highly recommend it. I'm still amazed at all the wonderful opportunities that I have been given while studying here at BYU and I am grateful for each one of them!

2 comments on " "
  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and it's fun to see all of your adventures. You are getting to have such wonderful growth opportunities.

  2. Where are your shoes Mary? :) haha
    I love all the pictures you took!! The Brigham City Temple really is breathtaking :)
