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Pacific Northwest Princess

September 13, 2012

A Mayan Glyph

This necklace is from Guatemala. The glyph means "it came to pass", as used in the Book of Mormon. I love learning about other cultures and understanding history better. The world has so much to offer and I believe it would be a waste if we didn't take the time to find out as much as we can and experience new things, to really take it all in. I have had the opportunity to travel not only across the country, but also to Europe and hope to someday do a lot more traveling. It is fascinating to me to study different people and their traditions, to take in the architecture, religion, art, music, and language. I am thinking about serving a mission and love the idea of becoming immersed in another culture and being able to share my beliefs. I've lived in a relatively small town with a lot of family around my whole life so I enjoy broadening my world and becoming accustomed to new ideas and ways of life. Since I don't travel as much as I would like, I have established a love for books throughout my life. There is so much truth that can be found in good books and in addition to educating about places around the world, they allow your imagination to take you to places you've never been before and vicariously go through a life-changing experience. It's an amazing feeling to get lost in the pages of a book. I also love that we are never done learning. There is always more knowledge that we can obtain and it's so fun to make a connection or really understand something you haven't heard before.

Three Strikes...You're Out!

Safeco Field, along with Century Link Field, and Key Arena are just a short 45 min. from my hometown. Sports have been a huge part of my life and have been something that each member of my family has participated in. I have so many memories of summer nights at the baseball field, crowded gymnasiums at a basketball game, and soccer games in the pouring rain. The best part is that we watch together. It wasn't an option to sit at home because we all supported one another. There was rarely a game when a parent wasn't in the stands cheering you on and being your number one fan no matter what. In addition to our own participation, we try to take in as many other games as we can. High school, college, professional, you name it. I love sitting on a couch and enjoying time with friends or family in the home as well as the atmosphere of being there live. I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to appreciate sports and how it has allowed my family to grow together and enjoy countless memories. I love watching the rivalries, the tie breakers, the amazing slam dunks, the 40 yard touchdowns, the out of the park homeruns, the goals that just barely got in. But what I really love about sports is what it teaches you about life. You learn that it's not all about you. You learn how to be teachable and to have a good attitude. You learn how to have good sportsmanship and to play as team whether you're winning or losing. You learn to appreciate those with natural talent, as well as those who work so hard to make other contributions to the team. You learn  that it takes practice of the little things over and over again to really see success in the big things. I love the inspirational stories of athletes. I love the Olympics and watching the world come together and to embrace the patriotism and the dedication. I've seen everything from the Seahawks in the Superbowl, to Jimmer Fredette, to March Madness, to the Yankees being in the World Series once again, to Michael Phelps earning another gold. I've been at the top of a mountain and I've been at the bottom of a pool. I've had moments up in the air and moments when I've been knocked to the ground. But here's the biggest thing I've learned; you keep trying. You never give up and you take what you learn and apply it to your life. Because at the end of the day, it's just a game.

Playing On Heartstrings

Music is my passion in life. I play the piano and the violin, but I've also learned how to play the organ and I do a little bit of singing. I feel so blessed to have music as one of my talents and am grateful for all the opportunities I've had to share it with others. I always try to do my best and to have a positive attitude when I'm performing because I was taught once that you never know who you're impacting. You don't know who might need to hear what you have to offer and how it can change them. I wouldn't be who I am today without music. It is the motive for a lot that I do and is my outlet. Whenever I am stressed or can't get my mind off of something, I can resort to my music and get lost in a whole new world. I have had opportunities to play at countless church events, funerals, concerts, recitals, and receptions. I've traveled to Disney World twice and participated in other national competitions.  I've been an accompanist at Solo/Ensemble contests as well as for studio recitals. I've been in musical theater and have been with both large and small groups. I also enjoy watching the talents of others. I've seen great country artists such as Carrie Underwood, Brad Paisley, and Rascal Flatts, I've seen Wicked, Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables, and Phantom of the Opera. I listened to Joshua Bell play in Carnegie Hall and heard David Archuleta sing on the American Idol tour. On a smaller scale, I love all kinds of music. Classical, pop, country, instrumental, soundtracks, and religious music. We are surrounded by music on a daily basis whether it be on the radio, computer, in a class, in movies, dances, and so much more. Music is a huge part of many cultures and that has allowed me to share something in common with many other people around the world. Music is also a huge part of my testimony because I can feel the Spirit so strongly whenever music is present. Songs that testify of Christ and the truthfulness of the gospel have amazing power. I think the greatest aspect of music is that evokes emotion. Everyone can relate to a song and feel something inside. I love that I have the power to share something so powerful and in the process better myself and my talents.
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