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Snail Mail

June 12, 2012
There's nothing that compares with the feeling you get when you open the mailbox and you have a letter with your name on it. Especially when it's unexpected, but it's still pretty exciting even if you know it's coming. People should use the postal system more often because it can be so much fun!

But mail can sometimes be frustrating. I guess that's why people have resorted to different forms of communication, however I still really enjoy handwritten letters sent through the old snail mail system. I love looking at other people's handwriting (even if it is sometimes hard to read haha), enjoying pictures they might have drawn, stickers they added, different colors they used, anything that adds a flair of their personality. It makes the letter original, whereas anything sent across the internet could be a copy of something or not really from the person.

Waiting for a letter can be so agonizing because it's unpredictable! You don't know if your letter got to it's intended destination, you wonder if the person will even care to write you back, and you wait and wait, hoping that it won't take yet another day to come to you.

I may or may not have become a mailbox stalker in the past 6 months or so, but you might find me asking, "Has the mail come today?" or having the window cracked so I can hear each and every car that drives into the cul de sac, anticipating the distinct sound of the mail truck.

At school, the mail man usually arrived at 2:00 pm, about 40 min. after I got home from class and I was lucky enough to have the mailboxes for the hall attached to the outside wall of my room. I would hear them being opened, then peek outside the window and watch the mailman go on to the next building, grab my key, and check. It was always an exciting part of my day, but the best days were when I couldn't wipe the smile off my face from getting a missionary letter or a package from my mom. And then there were the disappointing days when there only appeared to be bills or other unwanted mail addressed to people who didn't even live there! Into the garbage they went...

At home, it doesn't even come till at least 3:30 or 4.  If I'm working I usually have to wait another 2 hours after I get home till it comes. Which most definitely is not soon enough. Oh well, patience is a virtue and there's a 50/50 chance I won't get anything anyways, so why get my hopes up.

O mail man, why must you torture me so!

This is not a letter but my arms around you for a brief moment. — katherine mansfield
1 comment on "Snail Mail"
  1. Haha oh wow, I have been thinking the exact same thing since all my friends started leaving on missions! I get SO excited when I get a letter, it's kind of ridiculous.
