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June 21, 2012
Today I went to the King County Courthouse with a friend to get a speeding ticket deferred and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. I've never been to a courthouse before. In fact, really all I know about them is what you see in the movies and what I read in To Kill a Mockingbird. So when the judge came in and the recorder said, "Will everyone please rise" Wait, this is real life?! Ha, there were some interesting people there, and mostly men. Hmm...does that say something about the gender that gets the most tickets?

Anyways, I've never seen a judge before, but I'm pretty sure Judge Matthew Williams is the nicest judge on the planet. No joke. He was so friendly and was cracking jokes the whole time, but in a serious way. To begin, he informed us that if he was using his computer it was for legal purposes only and that he was not checking email, watching youtube, or blogging haha! If someone asked him how he was doing, he replied with answers such as, "Well, life is an adventure" or "I'm just chuggin' along". What a crackup! And he kept referring to the beautiful weather we were having today and how we were lucky that we were able to go out and enjoy it. In addition, if someone chose not to defer the ticket, he dropped the amount a lot for each person! What a nice guy!

I was kind of nervous to go at first, and definitely did not expect to be laughing, but it was a nice surprise! We also got to hear people's life stories about their 87 year old mothers and how when they learned how to drive people used to be courteous but has now gone out the window and exact streets and types of cars where the incidents happened. And that one guy had his first speeding citation but had several other things on his record...awkward!

I am officially a working girl and feel that my life is being consumed by work. But what can I say? The moula is much welcomed and needed. It's quite amusing to add up how many jobs I have. Yes, plural.
Para for the School District (3 1/2 days of school left!)
Lifeguard/Swim Instructor at 2 pools
Taking orders at the Farmer's Market every week

That equals one busy Mary in addition to my never ending list of chapter books I have to read and participating in Broadway Revue, plus being a Primary teacher!
Wow, that's a lot. But it's fun and it's good to be busy!

My mouth hurts a lot, I think it's due to wisdom teeth. I'm extremely scared to get them taken out so I'm hoping that my mouth can just cope and I can keep all my teeth without having any problems. Yay for tylenol!

And lastly, I decided it would be fun to do a Song A Day for the month of July so look forward to some great summer jams in a couple weeks!
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