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June 8, 2012
It's Friday! And after spending 2 days at the Jr. High, I am once again convinced that elementary school is where I'm supposed to be. It's hard for me to watch kids just not care, or complain, or be disrespectful to their teachers, or swear around each other. They don't have any determination or motivation to do well or learn. How can you not enjoy learning? There's so many interesting things in this world and even if it's not right up your alley, you can still gain knowledge and be well-rounded if you just open up your mind. You're not going to enjoy doing everything that is asked of you...sometimes textbooks are boring, sometimes an assignment is hard or may take a long time, but it's all for your benefit and most of the time there is always a purpose behind the work.

One student asked me why I wanted to be a teacher. And for me the answer was easy. I've always loved school and learning. I've had fantastic teachers that invested so much time and energy into helping us be successful and showed that they really loved their job. They made a huge impact on my life and inspired me to want to do the same. I want to make a difference in the lives of those I teach and hopefully inspire them to enjoy learning as well. But jr. high is just not the right age for me to do that, especially when half the kids are taller than me and think I look like a student.

I have officially finished all the picture books necessary for my Children's Literature class, yes all 33 of them. I  am now moving on to chapter books and in order to finish all of them by the end of the summer, I have to read 50 pages a day. Don't get me wrong, I love to read but at my own pace. Right now I'm reading Mary Poppins. It's always fun to read books when you've already seen the movie and compare them. As always, there are many similarities and differences.

It has been raining buckets that past few days and I like it. There's just something about listening to the pouring down rain.

One thing I miss about BYU is that everyone has the same standards. We're mostly all the same religion and so we just understand each other. You don't have to explain to someone why you don't go out on Sunday, you don't have to hear swearing as you walk through campus, you don't have to answer endless questions about why you do the things you do. You just live your life, and everyone gets it. Now I'm not saying that missionary work is hard or that being an example is too difficult, it's just that sometimes it's a blessing to be in a place where you can somewhat get away from worldly things.
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