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monday musing #14

September 1, 2014
First Sunday of my new freshman ward was a blast. I'm starting to feel like a celebrity because everyone knows me as the almost 22 year old RA/RM. Oh boy. 

This also means that school starts in 2 days. Blahh. 
On the bright side of things, fall = football season and I am very happy about that Ü
One win for the cougars and hopefully many more to come!

Today we learned about Jonah in Sunday School. Our cute teachers had us watch the song from Veggie Tales. Whatever works, right? haha! 

So Jonah got a mission call. 
<<What did you think when you opened your call??>>

Jonah wasn't too happy about it. We read in the scriptures that Ninevah was a very wicked place and so Jonah was a little bit apprehensive about going there. 
<<What fears did you have before you left??>>
So he didn't. And as he was "running away from the Lord" (is that even possible?) he got swallowed up in the whale and you know the rest of the story.

After he got out of the whale, he repented, went to Ninevah, and the whole place was converted. BOOM. 

Moral of the story.
Trust in the Lord. 
1 Nephi 3:7 go and do, the Lord will provide a way
know that you were called to your mission for a specific reason
there are some hearts that only you can touch
pray for strength

You've all accepted the call you received, so now trust in the promises from the Lord. You might not be converting cities, but you can make a difference. And realize that if you're having a hard time and maybe your attitude isn't as good as it should be, that you can repent and turn towards the Lord. For through Him is found peace and true success.

I have had a lot of opportunities this week to talk about my mission this week and I am so so grateful for that time in my life and for all that I learned. What a great experience. It truly is preparation for the rest of your life. Live the principles in preach my gospel, strengthen your habits of scripture and prayer. It will all be worth it. I promise.


this was my first selfie ever. IN case y'all didn't know, selfies are kind of a big deal in the social media world these days
Frisbee friends :) we're also pretty awesome at tennis #fitforlife

Dad hard at work. Isn't he great??
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