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Happy First Day of School!

September 2, 2014
It feels weird to be starting school in September again. And I kind of forgot that life at BYU continued while I was gone. So today was a little crazy. Bring me back summer with the less than 7,000 people on campus!

As much as I love learning, I'm not exactly thrilled about all the assignments that got thrown at me today. But it should be a great, but busy semester that will get me one step closer to having a lovely degree and my very own classroom. 

For my writing class, we have to spend 5-10 min 5 days a week just writing. About anything we want. So if there's any prompt ideas, give'em to me! And of course, where else should these little pieces of writing be placed except for on my blog?? As my teacher told us today, writing is not given life until it is shared. 

So here's the one from today. Remember, they aren't perfect, polished pieces, but rather just the first things that will pop up in my head given the prompt.


I am from a magical place where the tall evergreen trees meet the crystal blue waters of the Puget Sound. There are majestic mountains, beautiful flowers, and all kinds of wildlife. Birds can be heard chirping in the early morning, raccoons can be seen with beady, bright eyes at night.

I am from a cute, modest house with shutters and a red door. A house with a circle driveway and apple trees in the front yard. The basketball hoop has had its fair share of bump games, the playhouse in the back is filled with memories of imagination and house adventures.

I am from a loving family. Within 25 miles of my house can be found 6 other houses full of this dear kin. 

...and that's it! It seems like an abrupt ending, but we really only had 5 minutes in class today haha! So it's just a little sampling I guess!

A few other things that stuck out to me today:

One of my teachers was talking about how great our profession is as teachers and that we get to come home every day and say that we made a difference in the world. How cool is that! It's the truth!

From RA class, 
""Your task is not to become a leader. Your task is to become yourself, and to use yourself completely - all your gifts and skills and energies - to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must, in sum, become the person you started out to be, and enjoy the process of becoming." --Warren Bennis

A current favorite song.

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