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A Year to Remember

May 1, 2013
What an amazing sophomore year! BYU has been so good to me and I love every minute of it! After the whirlwind of getting a job and driving down to Provo ASAP, I got settled in with expectations of a fabulous year ahead. I met some amazing people right off the bat and I am so grateful I was able to work with them this year.

Heritage Halls is the best and I'm pretty sure I never want to leave, but I probably should go live off campus and experience life without freshman haha! But we'll save that for 18 months ;)

Fall was filled with football games and rock climbing! Gorgeous weather, late nights, and not too much stress yet haha! It was a blast.
love these girls!

so grateful he introduced me to the wonderful sport. And was so patient and willing to take anyone and everyone that wanted to try it out :)

such a showoff spence ;)
We celebrated lots of birthdays...

I was the "mom" of an AMAZING FHE group...

We did lots of fun things like scavenger hunts, bonfires, making hand turkeys, playing board games, family dinners, doing service, ward talent shows, indexing parties, writing missionaries, a halloween party, frisbee, volleyball, movie nights. It was always a party! 

We also had fun family time!
Matt and Mikelle built a house up in Herriman and even though we were sad that they moved so far away, we still were able to make it up there at least once a month to party! It was a blast to have so many cousins live in Utah this year! 

Ben got to come down quite a few times from BYU-I and we loved playing with him!

We love babysitting! And we love those cute kids :)
And fun trips up to Salt Lake! 
First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Conference in April

General Relief Society Meeting

Orchestra at Temple Square Spring Concert

It was always so fun to see our missionary grandma!

I got a mission call!

And we went to my dear friend Alli's farewell! England is so lucky to have her!

We went to basketball games

We watched lots of movies when it was beyond freezing outside

It was definitely an experience to be in sub zero weather. So cold, but surprisingly you get used to it. In fact, when it finally got up to mid 30s or 40s people were actually wearing short sleeves because it felt warm!

And just went we thought winter was gone and we actually saw green grass on the ground, it always managed to come back. But I guess that's how Utah springs always are...unpredictable.

We made an infamous quote wall. I think I've mentioned before it became 196 quotes and even took on a batman look but I don't have a picture of that.

I was in an amazing ward with so many fun people and definitely ones I will never forget.
love this bishopric!
And what would they be without Patti haha!
And some amazing friends. Love these boys!
this would be them at their finest...

Like I said, these are only highlights. But this was definitely a year to remember. I learned so much both in school and about life, I had a ton of fun, I tried to balance everything, I made some life changing friendships, and I lived to the fullest and loved every minute of it! Yes, there were challenges and it was not always rainbows and gumdrops, but overall it was totally worth it and a great way to end my time at BYU for a while. Peace out Provo, you will be missed.

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