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March 27, 2012
Today I received the biggest surprise!!! In New Testament we always have announcements before class starts. Today I raised my hand and said how excited I was that my sister was coming on Friday! Brother Smith asked how old she was and then said, "Speaking of sisters..." and walked over to his computer. My only thought was that I had provided the perfect transition into our lesson and that he was going to talk about some relationship that Christ had.

But I was shocked when up on the screen appeared a picture of MY family! Yup, Aunt Jay, Grandma, Alli, Beau, and Uncle Rick with my teacher Brother Smith. When he went to speak at devotional at SVU, he met my family and talked to them. He knew that Beau had just come home from his mission to Brazil and told my class that if they wanted to get set up they could just talk to me haha! And that he's best friends with my grandma now and that she wanted him to tell me that she loves me. Pretty much beset day ever! Amid the laughter and the bright red face, I realized how much family means to me and how cool it is to see those you love and who live across the United States.

I'm so grateful that families can be together forever and that I get to go home in two short weeks and see all of my family! I'm also grateful for Brother Smith and his thoughtfulness. He's pretty much the best and has made my freshman year at BYU one to remember.
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