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Favorite Back to School Reads

August 11, 2022

 Back is School is one of my favorite times of the year! It's a brand new start and there is nothing like opening up that new box of crayons or using those freshly sharpened #2 pencils. 

As a teacher, the beginning of the school year is BUSY. There are so many exciting things to learn in those first couple weeks. The rules of the classroom, getting to know each other, practicing new expectations, teamwork activities, refreshers on math, and so much more!

I love using picture books to kick off each activity that we do. Here are some of my favorites!

The Crayon Box That Talked by Shane Derolf 

This book teaches that we all have something to contribute! Even though we're diverse, we make the picture complete!

The Good Egg by Jory John

For those perfectionists and ones that put too much pressure on themselves, even for things they can't control.

The Bad Seed by Jory John

Another book that gives us non-examples. But also a book about change and how we don't have to be the same forever! We can make better choices!

First Day Jitters by Julie Danneburg

Everyone has first day jitters. Will I make it on time? \Will I like my teacher? WIll I make friends? Will I like what we're learning? This book has a fun twist!

David Goes to School by David Shannon

Another beloved character. Poor David has a lot to learn. Sometimes it can be helpful to address what NOT to do, so we can spend the rest of our time focusing on what we SHOULD do!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books! by Lucille Colandro

Fun rhyming story!

The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson

Everything Jacqueline writes is phenomenal! The illustrations in this one are also beautiful. A message about our differences and all the different kinds of people we might come across at school and how we can still be friends and find similarities.

Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller

This is a book about manners! It's always a great reminder to be polite, say please and thank you, and to clean up after yourself!

If You Take A Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff

This beloved mouse is always getting into trouble. This edition, all about school, will have your kids laughing!

Tomorrow I'll Be Kind by Jessica Hische

Simple message about kindness and gorgeous illustrations!

Tomorrow I'll Be Brave by Jessica Hische

Similar to Tomorrow I'll Be Kind. Great growth mindset books.

This School Year Will Be the Best! by Kay Winters & Renee Andriani

I'm all for visualizing, planning, and making goals!

The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig

Another book about celebrating differences and making friends.

Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

Sometimes our enemies can become our greatest friends.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

This is the chapter book I start with every year for teacher read aloud. The lessons that can be learned about being kind to everyone and understanding others who are different than us are unmeasurable. It has a huge impact and starts off the year with a great story of empathy. 

1 comment on "Favorite Back to School Reads"
  1. Just love everything about this!! You are such a wonderful teacher wherever you are!♥️🍎📚
