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January 16, 2019

I have been so excited about goal-making this year!! I have always been a goal maker but for some reason, this past year or so I haven't really written anything down that I really wanted to accomplish.

But this year, I am ALL IN! Maybe, it's just because I will have nothing to do this summer so I needed something to fill my time or the fact that we've almost lived in our house for a year and I should probably get it all organized and put together.

Instagram has been my latest source for inspiration these days and I love how Janssen from Everyday Reading splits her new year's resolutions into goals, habits, and projects. It's great to have things split up into categories and to decide which things are like lifelong habits you want to create and which are just projects that can be checked off once.



  • read 52 books in 52 weeks - we're already three weeks into the year and I'm on my fourth book so this one is going great so far!
  • bake and decorate a pretty cake - have you heard of Cake by Courtney?? She's amazing! But I'm also super into the food network and love watching their tutorial videos haha! So anyone want a pretty cake for their birthday? I'll try to come through for ya
  • try a new recipe once a month - ok, so this week I went through a cookbook and decided to try three new dinners...maybe I'm an overachiever?
  • memorize a song on piano and violin - I figured it was about time I added something to my repertoire so that I never have to run into that awkward moment when someone asks me to play, and I'm like, "oh, do you have any music? I'll play anything as long as there is music". Time to be prepared! Bryan has already requested Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera because he LOVES that song, but I think I'm going to add something classical in there as well. Any suggestions??
  • get on a cleaning schedule - I know this affects like majoirty of Americans and I can't use it as an excuse, but working full-time just really takes the life out of you and depletes your motivation to clean. ugh! So I've seen some lovely lists on Pinterest that tell you which things you should clean every day, every week, once a month, and once a year and I am all about getting on that schedule so it doesn't feel overwhelming on the rare occasion that I'm in the mood to clean.
  • be on time to work - this is such a winter dilemma, but when it's cold outside and dark when you get up, there is basically nothing I would rather do less than get out of my warm, cozy bed. So instead of scrambling out the door to get to school on time, I'm trying to be better at getting up when my alarm actually goes off
  • flossing every day - ok, this shouldn't be an adult problem but I hate it!! Maybe it's because I don't feel good at it, maybe it's because sometimes my gums bleed and that's not fun, or maybe it's the flavor of the floss (joking) but this is a hard one for me!

  • paint and get new hardware and lamps for nightstands- we got all of our furniture from Bryan's parents/grandparents which was SO NICE that we didn't have to go out and buy/find our own, but I'm trying to make them OURS and there's nothing that a fresh coat of paint can't fix
  • jerusalem powerpoint - I've been home for 3 years now, it's fine. But I always wanted to have a presentation ready in case I was ever asked to share about my experience or more importantly about the life of the Savior. I started on this project last year but I'm hoping to finish it up this year, especially because we are studying the New Testament in Sunday School!
  • organize/decorate office - this has kind of been our dumping room since we moved in and I am so ready to make it look pretty! I want it to be functional, but cute and also go through all the junk that is in there!
I am so excited about all of these! I'll share how they go either here or on instagram. I would love to know what you're working on this year. Leave a comment below!

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