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new years resolutions

January 29, 2017
I had a whole list of things that I wanted to resolve to do in 2017. Now it's the end of January, and not only have I not written about them, I've kind of forgotten what they are. But I've had some time to reflect this weekend and here's a few things I want to work on this year.

actually cook

Even though I don't eat much, I'm definitely one that loves good, healthy (and not healthy) food. I always tell myself I'm going to be better at going to the grocery store, meal planning, and then making meals. But by the time I get home from work, I usually just go to the most simple, time-saving, low energy meal which is just so BLAH! So I'm going to work on that.

study the scriptures

Like a testimony, our scriptural knowledge only grows when you use it. I have spent a lot of my time being educated in many different ways of the scriptures and the gospel. I'm afraid some of it is slipping though! So I want to actually take time to study instead of just reading. I committed to reading the Book of Mormon every. single. day. this year but that takes like 5 minutes so I want to spend the rest of my scripture study learning more about the Savior or covenants. I also want to supplement my study with church books and general conference talks.

less social media

I often find myself checking social media for no reason at all. Simply out of habit or being lazy or not choosing to do something more beneficial. I have decided that there's really no reason to check it more than once a day. I do want to post more though! Just because I want to fill my space of the internet with more wholesome, lovely things. There's lots to celebrate about life and sometimes I fail at taking pictures and writing about my memories on my blog or even sharing uplifting thoughts.

reach out to others

This past year has been interesting for me because I have kind of been removed from a lot of the Provo social scene because of having a "big girl job". My friendships have always been very important to me but I used to be better about reaching out to all my friends and finding time to visit with them or spend time. So even though we're all busy I want to find ways to strengthen those relationships and find ways to serve those I love!

be more proactive

I love the feeling of being done with things early or actually having free time. I try to convince myself that it's ok to procrastinate because I work really well under pressure, but I wish I took more initiative with my time so that I wasn't wasting it with things that are seemingly unimportant and so that I had more time to do the things I love! With teaching there's always so much to do, it would be nice to make the work load more manageable.

keep things tidy

I absolutely love a spotless room that smells nice. Sometimes it's not always easy to keep things that way though. So I'm going to try to keep my room and my car that way. Do laundry and put the clothes away right after. When you use something, put it back in its place. Put shoes back in the closet. Vacuum when necessary. Throw away garbage in car. Get rid of unnecessary items. Make bed. Light candles. Dust and wipe down. Clean spaces can really be a safe haven of sorts. A place where the spirit dwells and motivation can be found.

As with all resolutions, it can be difficult to stay on track and continue throughout all 12 months of the year. But I feel like these ones are not only doable, but will also lead to a more productive, happy, stress-free life that is well-balanced! I'm excited to put more effort into accomplishing them!

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