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Father's Day

June 27, 2016
Like most holidays these days, I wasn't able to be home with my family. Sometimes I miss those traditions that we have or I am sad that I'm missing out on time spent together. But wherever I am in the world, I am still able to celebrate whichever holiday it may be!

I was in California this year for Father's Day but I still thought about my dad all day!! 

I LOVE MY DAD. Here's why:

  • He's a hard worker. Not only at his day job, but at serving, working at home, building relationships, and just in life. No matter how tired he is or how long he's been working, he always does a job well done.

  • He is FUN. He thinks he's pretty cool (which he is) but he's always up for anything. He's really good at games and he always makes vacations the best, and he has an awesome smile and laugh!

  • He's athletic and loves sports. My life would probably be very different if I didn't gain a love and appreciation for sports from my dad. He taught me the rules, was always supportive of my sporting events, and always made sure we had fun as a family. We got to play pickleball together a couple weeks ago and I just loved it. He also got me tickets to the Mariners vs. Red Sox game (my two favorite teams) so basicalllyyy he's pretty awesome. And some of my favorite memories growing up are of him playing softball during the summer. He also climbed two mountains this summer which I think is pretty awesome. 

  • He is loving and caring. To his wife, to his kids, to his ward family, to any and all children. He really loves people and knows how to make them feel loved. He is really good at encouraging people to be their best. The babies always love him. Seriously. Pictures of my dad and babies are theee cutest. 

  • He's a great example not only of spiritual strength, but also of having strong relationships. I love hearing about when my parents go to the temple together, or about the awesome service they were doing. I love when he asks questions just to hear our opinion. I love how we always read the scriptures together as a family. I love how we always watched conference together. I love how he has always been a worthy priesthood holder and baptized us and always gave us blessings before school started. I loved growing up with so many family members nearby. I love seeing him interact with his mom and his siblings and how close they are. How they spend time together and catch each other up on their lives and do things together often. I love that they still call each other and check up on each other. It's awesome
My dad is just amazing and I'm so glad he's mine! I got to facetime him for a little bit on Father's Day and I'm so glad I did. When I talked to my mom, she said, your dad must really love you because he's talking to you while the Warriors are playing! In my defense, I did call during half time ;) haha!

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