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christmas break

January 5, 2016
It felt so good to be home! I literally hadn't been home for an ENTIRE YEAR. I love the Pacific Northwest minus the shock of the cold coming back from Jerusalem. I felt like I was coming home from a mission. I just wanted to talk about it all.the.time! I also had to start over on the essentials. Jackets, phone, computer. A new chapter was starting!

The day after I came home I taught early morning seminary. It was such a great experience. I talked about the will of God and how each person in the nativity story willingly followed God's commands. Regardless of how hard it was or who would talk about them or how they would be ridiculed, they still did it because they knew that God would provide a way and that they would receive blessings. I also learned so much about personal worship. The people there truly live their religions and especially when it comes to prayer, I know there is a lot of we can improve on. I didn't need to go to Jerusalem and walk where Jesus walked to gain a testimony of my Savior, but going to Jerusalem allowed me to learn more about His life and His teachings, it allowed me to contextualize and truly come to know Him. But more important than being there is what I'm going to do with it now. When we have opportunities like this, we need to share our experiences with others and continue to live as He did. Do the little things that help you to come near to Him.

I then got to share more experiences on Sunday during our Ward Christmas Program. The jetlag was a little rough, but I got over it eventually haha! Our family got to go to Seaside for a few days and it was glorious! I absolutely LOVE the beach.

It was so nice to relax and eat good food and ice cream and watch movies and play on the beach. We were all chillin in the hot tub and I really felt like we needed to go jump in the ocean. I didn't think that anyone would agree to do it with me. But everyone did! We hopped out and ran all the way to the beach until the waves came crashing up on our legs and our bodies started to go numb. There were people who saw us from their balcony and started cheering for us haha! I mean, it was December. kinda crazy! Definitely worth it though.

A family tradition is going to Seattle during Christmastime and seeing the gingerbread houses at the Sheraton Hotel. This year they were all Star Wars themed.

THEY CLEARED THE GUM WALL!!! It started over. It was so weird. But there's already a good start to a new collection.


 It was so much fun to get back together with all these ladies after so many years of being apart off at school and missions. We decided to go to the YSA New Year's dance. It wasn't that thrilling but we made the most of it haha!

Then headed back to Grandma's for games, food, and ring in the new year with pancake wishes and silly string attacks.

Oh, these are a little out of order but here's from Christmas Eve. Even though we're all a little grown up, we all had to participate in the nativity ha!

I got to go to the temple with my cute parents! It had been four months since I've been able to go so I loved it!

I also go to go snowshoeing for the first time! It was such a fun adventure! Exhausting and beautiful!

On Christmas, we got to talk to Jacob. Hard to believe he's been out for over a year. Time goes by fast. He's doing really well! It was so fun to catch up!

It was an absolutely fabulous winter break!
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