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efy redlands

August 2, 2015
6:00am Sunday July 26
Not the greatest pic but I think it's important to post because it has quite the story behind it. 
On Saturday morning we check the kids out and then we are free! (at least for a day and a half) I had a couple hours to get stuff done. On the list was finishing packing, showering, possibly doing laundry, and most importantly finishing my paperwork for Jerusalem. It was a bit stressful and definitely not all of that stuff got done, but I made it to the shuttle almost on time. 
We made our way to the airport and then sat there for a few hours. Of course we stopped at cafe rio. So good!
This is my efy friend Seth! He was in the airport at the same time as us because he was going to HAWAII. I was seriously so jealous. Except he wanted to do EFY another week so really we just should've switched places. He sat and talked to me and we watched Emperor's New Groove. Quality movie. 

Right when we were supposed to start boarding the plane they announced that they were fixing a part and it would be delayed 3 hours. We had already been there for 3 hours! A lot of people stood up to change their flight or make other arrangements but we just sat there because we had group tickets and all of our decisions had to be approved by BYU travel. Plus we weren't in a hurry to get anywhere. So we literally just sat and did nothing Our flight was supposed to stop in Las Vegas and eventually the airline decided that the flight wasn't going on to Ontario, California but that it was just staying in Vegas. We looked at the option of just flying there and then driving the few hours to Redlands, but eventually at 6pm they just decided that we would take a flight to LA the next morning. So basically we sat in the airport all day for nothing. They got us hotel rooms in Salt Lake and that was that. I showered, read my scriptures, and then went to bed at like 9:30. We then woke up at 4am the next morning and made our way BACK to the airport. We were there before the check-in counters even opened. But we had no problems (thank the heavens) It was quite the adventure!

When we got to LA, I experienced the biggest culture shock of my life. It then occurred to me that I really don't get out much. In fact I had been in Utah Valley for 8 months straight. Like I honestly never left. And so when we get off the plane and it's humid and there's palm trees outside, and hiphop music playing, and so.much.diversity I just didn't know what to do with myself! It was definitely a whole new world! We had about an hour drive to get to the campus and as soon as we got there we ate breakfast and then got ready for church. And right when we pulled into the church parking lot we saw THIS:

The TEMPLE. It seriously is such a safe haven. And after the craziness of the previous day, it was such a relief to see something so beautiful. We made it through 3 hours of church and let me tell you, it was rough. During sacrament meeting I had to people closing in on me as they bobbed and swayed trying to fight the fatigue haha! Before we left my roommate said, "I need God more than I need sleep" What a good reminder that was that despite how tired we were, how much we had been through, and what we needed to prepare for the upcoming week, we really did need the sacrament and when we put the Lord first, there is no doubt that he would take care of us. 

These are my co's Hillary and Mo! They are fantastic! I couldn't have asked for better people to work with this week.

here's my cute girls! yay for being in CALIFORNIA!!!

This is Matthew. He was in my group this week and guess what. I met his brother at BYU. It is such a small world!

Sometimes your hair and your outfit is on point. Trust me, I had to get real creative accessorizing with the polo this summer.

My cute co's! We went through a lot this week and we were better together. 
Seriously SO grateful for them!

We had a grand total of 38 kids. It was a bit much! Mostly I was just sad that I didn't get to know the whole group as well as I usually get to. 

Courage to Stand Strong
Scripture: Joshua 1:9

pre-game night ninja

the cheer!

Hunter showing off that banner
*wave your flag*

when the kids get ahold of your phone...

counselor lip sync battle
you better believe we rocked that j biebs

Thursdays are my favorite days :)

This food? SOO good. Two thumbs up for the cafeteria.

This week, as with every other week, was definitely an adventure. Don't mind James' creepy smile. This is the aftermath of a phone mishap. We were about the start the YW activity which is on the family proclamation this year and I took my girls over to some concrete steps. I had a few things in my hands plus my backpack and as I was putting my stuff down, the phone slipped and landed face down on the ground. It was one of the worst sounds I have ever heard. And I just knew as soon as I picked it up that it was going to be bad. But. It was way worse than I expected. I literally just stood there and stared at it for a minute, almost in tears. But then I just thought to myself, it's just a thing. A worldly thing. And today, we are talking about eternal principles. So I just put it away and tried to carry on with the spirit. 

Later, one of the other counselors told me about an object lesson a counselor used because she had a participant that also cracked her phone. She talked about families and how they are falling apart and losing value in the eyes of the world. Just like the cracked phone. However we, as members of the church, have the opportunity and responsibility to be defenders of the family. In regards to this broken phone which represents broken families, what can we do to protect the family? Example: put a case on it, take care of it, don't put it in places where it could be in danger and break. 

love these cute girls!
back: Abby, Amy, Renley, Edie, Kyra, Ivy, Haleigh, Alanna
front: Kitty, Kandi, Melia, Mary 

all our kids!

It's been real Cali

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