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my march madness

April 6, 2015

I did it! Holy cow. Never have I exercised so much in my life. I am so grateful for the experience though! Although it was only 31 days, I learned so much!

Like how much I still hate running. Or how I really valued the time that I was able to unplug while biking and get some leisure reading in. Or how much I missed being in the pool. 

It was so fulfilling to make a goal and then stick to it. It was a pretty big time commitment because I'm such a beginner but it was so cool to see all the improvement I made too! And let's be honest, my legs were sore 90% of the month, but they got so much stronger. I got faster too! It was kind of weird scheduling when I was going to work out and plan my day around it, but I felt so good about it! 

It also helped me to understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My next goal is to work on some toning! Also, I discovered the distance for some walking routes and love spending time outside. Maybe if I'm feeling super adventurous I'll start working on my running ha!

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