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monday musing #27

December 1, 2014
Happy December!

I hope y'all had a fabulous week like I did!

My week was filled with all things missionary! We had the assistants over for thanksgiving and I couldn't help but think of one year ago when it was my first day in Decatur, Alabama and the houses that we went to and all the people I got to meet. Oh, and the freezing cold weather haha! It's crazy how much can happen in a year!

I also had a friend receive his mission call. It's so amazing to me to see the gospel really change someone's life and then see them have that desire to share it with others.

And we went to play dodgeball at the church with the fam bam and the new missionaries and their trainers were there for a meeting. It's always fun to see missionary gatherings!

And then yesterday, my cute brother gave his farewell talk. How he got old enough to be a missionary is beyond me! Here's a short thought from his talk.
He told the story of a boy named Benjamin who was an accomplished violinist. He played it so much that his mom had to lock it up sometimes until he finished his chores. When he got older he went down to salt lake to audition for a spot in the regional orchestra. They said he was the best hey had ever seen. By this time, he was around 19. When he returned back home his bishop talked to him about serving a mission and he knew that's what he needed to do. So he put off playing in the orchestra and fulfilling his dream. Well his family didn't have enough money to pay for his mission and he didn't want his mom to sell any land from their farm. She told him that the only other thing of value that they had was his violin. So the next day he played it all day and then it was sold. He left on his mission and years later said it was the best decision he ever made.

This story really impacted my brother when he was about 12 years old because of the sacrifice this young man made. He gave up the one thing he loved for the God he loved even more. From this point on, Jacob knew that he wanted to serve mission.

I am so grateful for the example of my little brother and for his desire to serve. He has such a strong testimony and love for the gospel. He always looking for opportunities to help those around him and be kind to those in need. I'm going to miss him like crazy but Peru is one lucky country!

Thank you all for your service as well and for sharing your experience with me!

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