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Just One of Those Days

April 17, 2012
I'm pretty sure I've made it clear on this blog before that I DO NOT enjoy packing...not one bit. So it's definitely a struggle each and every time I have to do it. I even counted the minimum amounts of times that I'll move in and out in the future. It came up to a grand total of 9. That is way too much if you ask me!

I think it's safe to say that I was going crazy yesterday with all this packing and studying business. I mean really, you can only be in one place for so long.

Anyways, sometimes I just can't help but laugh at myself. The most ridiculous things happen on a daily basis!

1) Did you know that when you put 4 quarters into a vending machine and then press the coin return button, you get a gold dollar coin??! How cool is that? Best trick ever!

After Emily showed me that, I proceeded to us all my nickels and dimes to buy ice cream (they don't let you put pennies in the machine) I had the perfect amount of coins and the ice cream was totally worth it! favorite :)
2012-04-16 21.12.03.jpg

2) We were sitting in the Wilk studying, I was reading a review paragraph and it was talking about something that I didn't remember reading. I was frustrated and said, "UGH!" right as a random guy walked by. I think he thought I was letting out my frustration because he was passing by because he gave me a really weird look. He kept walking, I apologized, and then he started laughing. EMBARASSING!

3) After we got home, we went to the Central Building to make some copies. As we were standing at the desk, I saw some hand sanitizer. Your hands can never be too clean, so I decided to use some. As I pressed down, it didn't squirt into my hand, but rather straight out at me and got all over my sweatshirt!

You might not find these stories that entertaining, or I might have not described them very well, but for some reason they were hilarious to me. I think it just goes to show how important it is to laugh at yourself and not take life too seriously. It really allows you to be more carefree and happy. 

When you spend countless hours with someone, they begin to notice things about you...

Good thing I have such a great friend as Emily who is there for me 100% of the time. For instance:
I'm a little bit clumsy. Like seriously, I trip all the time. It's actually quite embarrassing. It doesn't matter what kind of shoes I'm wearing. And I would like to say that maybe that's why I like going barefoot so much, I don't trip. But that would be false. Yes, I even trip without any shoes on. I was telling my mom about the problem and Emily was sitting next to me. She said, "That's what I'm here for. My arm is always ready to catch you!" Isn't that just so nice of her? haha!

Another thing she has noticed is that I have some interesting reactions when I read texts. In fact, she has gotten to the point where she can usually guess who it's from! She said she was going to secretly video me sometime so I can see, because apparently it's pretty entertaining. 

I think that's enough for today. You have officially gotten a glimpse of my crazy, embarrassing life that I love just oh so much. Have a happy tuesday!
1 comment on "Just One of Those Days"
  1. I'm so thankful that Emily has had you for a good friend this year! Thanks so much for all you do!
    Have a great summer, hope we get to see you before fall semester - somehow!
