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February 6, 2012
"Only when a young man is worthy to hold the power of God in his hands is he worthy to hold a daughter of God in his arms"
I LOVED Relief Society yesterday. Who knew that a 19 year old young man was capable of being so mature and teaching such an inspirational lesson. I was very impressed. It made me excited to have a man like this someday. The priesthood is such a great blessing in our lives and to have it in my future home is going to be wonderful but I also feel like I'm wishing my life away. I've always known just what I wanted to I find myself waiting (not very patiently), looking forward to what's ahead of me instead of truly living in the moment and enjoying what I have now. Yes, there are great things to come but there's also so many great things happening now!
But don't get me wrong, this isn't just about finding the perfect man. It can also be applied to my future home, job, even just next week. My mom used to always say "when you get something out, put it away" Now I know life would be much more simple if I followed this simple rule but I'm always on the run or think to myself "I'll just do it later" If I can't keep up with just one person, how in the world am I going to be able to take care of a whole family? Ever since I was little I wanted to be a teacher. People often tell me "Oh you'll probably change your mind" I won't. That's pretty set in stone and I couldn't be more excited about it! But my future classroom won't even exist for 3 more years! I'm always planning, dreaming, scheming, but that's not going to get me there. I have to do well in school NOW and learn everything I can NOW so that I can be more effective later.
I just saw this quote that said "If you just focus on the results, you won't change. But if you change, then you'll get the results" I've been focusing on the results WAY too much and not working on changing and being my best self.
So here's to change and the results that will follow. Life truly is all about the climb and it's important to enjoy every step of the way
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