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Hiking the Y

July 25, 2011
The classic letters in mountains are seen all over Utah and I would like to think that the most famous one is the BYU "Y". Although it's beautiful to look at sitting there looking over campus, you might not know the strenuous walk it is to climb up there. Let's just say you would be in AMAZING shape if you hiked it every day. The view is absolutely breathtaking but only worth it if you get to stay up there and enjoy it for a while. Definitely one of the most difficult hikes I've done in my entire life. Straight up-hill in the dying heat is not necessarily my idea of fun but it's something you just have to do at least once if you are here in Provo.
And if you didn't think I was crazy this time just look what I attempted to do just 4 short days later...

This picture is from the bottom of the hike. We haven't even started yet and we were already this high up. Craziness! The boys convinced me it would be a good idea to go again. I was up to the challenge but we had one problem...We don't have a car. We were determined to do this so we walked all the way there. This was just as bad as hiking the Y itself! Straight up-hill with tall, strong boys. I honestly have no clue what I was thinking. Well just walking there was enough for me so I let the boys head up themselves. They were completely unprepared so they took my water bottle, fruit snacks, and camera and I waited for them at the bottom. They not only hiked up the way but they did it backwards and then they ran all the way down...all in about 30 min! They are so amazing! And these are the lovely pictures I found on my camera afterwards.

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